Love is that strange thing that some say hits hard and slowly fades, I could not agree more, It is but an agent that reveal faces, of those whom you have put a worth.
Like a game of chance, you scour along to see who gets what and what gets who. Fills you up with a strong bright red then quickly turns into an ongoing persistent blue.
On the everlasting quest to find this thing you are told is glorious and once found it is magnificent something so grand only words of caliber can describe.
But somewhere along people lose the translation of it.
Love is not this HUGE thing it's more like a temporary lie.
Depending on how you manage that lie determines a huge fall over an endless pit.
Once you learn to crawl out of that horrid, frighting and hurtful place is when you learn it is not something to joke around with. Most people grow in fear to fall back in once more, so they curse themselves out of anything related to it.
But then there are others who understand what it composes... Love is a decision, to Love is committing to yourself on another, to Feel and show vulnerability.
It is only then when you learn love is an endless cycle of gratitude and pain, happiness and sorrow, joy and sadness. Not only that but sometimes anger, fear, doubt might hop on to you. No less love is but the initial Pandora's box of our feelings and once you have them tamed.
You are ready...

Pensamientos que naufragan en el mar de los Incomunicados
PoesíaVoy a experimentar con la poesia "slam" espero que les guste.