My color

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A very interesting thing happened to me in this stage of life.

I was made aware of my skin tone.

For me being born in a tropical island in the middle of the caribbean is normal to see this color. Nevertheless, that is not so true in other places.

Being distinguished between an marginalized, betrayed and agonizing black or a very comfortable, unaware and accepted white is a very hard task for me.

You would assume it's because in color scale I fall into a not so opressed black brown and a not so blindly oppresive white but no, that's not the origin.

You see, as I do recognize the power withheld by a few humans with a light tone and the historic damage (that continues today) done to a very resilient black. I cannot reduce people to the amount of melanin they posses.

My color does not fit that scale.

I have a light brown ish skin with a powerful red heart, a colorful imagination, ever changing rainbow of emotions and so much more. Even better to this, they are ever changing, sometimes I feel blue sadness, bright red passion, yellow of joy, purple of hurt and a rainbow of doubt.

And just like me there are millions of others who walk in different shades of colors. We should often see all their colors, from the blue doctor who had a patient die in his hands, red passion for that youngling who is experiencing love for the first time, purple for that person who had a car crash, bright yellow to the student who just finished his educational goals, gray for the self discovery of the person who is trying to be their favorite color and we should accept as they feel themselves.

So you see, I can't really do a grayscale on my vision of us around the world, it would make me seriously unaware of a person in need of empathy, kindness, distance, love, loss, distraction. I do believe society should be better than it is today but I believe colors should be all of the rainbow, maybe then we can paint a better tomorrow.

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