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Kas and Mana walked together to the dining hall. The storm had quietened a little by then, but now and then, another rumble would filter through the rock and chase them along the tunnels.

On the way, Mana told the rest of her story - how, as the only survivor of the alien's attack, she had taken its body to Zyanthis where she laid low until she could work out what to do next. She was forced to shoot the Kikoan every twenty minutes with the EMP rifle to stop it returning to life - a practice she kept up for three months before she finally got in touch with a guy called Captain Fei.

It took another six weeks for them to earn each other's trust, with Mana keeping the Kikoan under wraps for all that time, but she eventually showed it to Fei and he quickly agreed to take her to the secret base on Xeo where she'd remained ever since.

Kas listened intently and barely said a word. She felt much more relaxed in Mana's presence. Her voice was very soothing, almost hypnotic. Though she wanted to ask, she decided not to question Mana about her relationship with Rhaspa, figuring that may have been too personal and Mana had so far been very welcoming.

The dining hall was as full as it had been on Kas's first night with everybody already seated and in high spirits. Mana led Kas to the far end of the room where Rhaspa and Captain Mack were already seated at the round table.

'Where's Worm?' Kas asked as she sat down.

'I'm sure she'll be along soon,' Mack answered. 'That kid never misses a meal.'

'I'm sorry you've been delayed,' Rhaspa said. 'It's really very unfortunate. We have these storms once every month, but this one is exceptionally strong.'

'Don't worry about it,' Kas replied. 'You can't control the weather.'

'We're probably the only inhabited world that can't!'

'When do you think it'll be safe to leave?'

'Not long,' Mack said. 'A couple of hours.' A loud rumble echoed through the hall. 'Maybe three.'

'Maybe we should stay one more night,' Kas suggested. Mack raised his eyebrows in mild surprise.

'I think that would be a very good idea,' Rhaspa replied. 'Fill your stomachs and get a good night's sleep. That's what I'd do.'

'Isn't that what you do every night?' Mana asked, to which Rhaspa laughed.

'Yes, I suppose it is.'

The laughter spread to Captain Mack and Mana and even evoked a little chuckle from Kas which surprised herself more than anyone. Had someone told her only a couple of days before that she'd soon be having dinner on Xeo, in a Rhaspian base, with Serez Rhaspa himself - and laughing - she would have thought there was something seriously wrong with them.

But there she was, smiling and feeling strangely at home. It occurred to her that the new threat of the Intelligence had given her and Rhaspa a common enemy. Compared to them, he suddenly seemed to be much like he appeared - old and harmless.

The four of them began stocking their plates with food with even Mana joining in this time, though she only appeared to be eating raw vegetables.

They exchanged stories and jokes for the duration of the meal, and this time Kas took full advantage of the banquet and sampled as much of the food as she could stomach. She wondered more than once what was keeping Worm since she loved food more than anyone, but she also loved to work and she had certainly given herself plenty of work to do.

They were mid-way through dessert when the good mood was disrupted. Kas saw Captain Mack frowning and turned to see a lone man sprinting across the hall straight towards their table, a look of panic on his face. He was clutching something in his hands which, as he came closer, Kas realised to be the WASP mask. He arrived at the table very short of breath.

'Sir... she's found something...'

'Who's found what?' Rhaspa replied. The man put the WASP mask on the table facing Rhaspa, and Kas saw the little yellow light in its visor that told her Astrid was inside it.

'Primi is in great danger,' Astrid said. 'I have been analysing the movements of the IRIS and it would appear it has been moved away from its usual orbit.'

'We know,' Mack replied. 'It's been moved to keep it clear of Selva's wreckage.'

'I don't believe that is the real reason. Judging by its current trajectory, the IRIS is being moved towards the centre of the solar system. They are moving it towards the sun.'

'Why would they do that?' Rhaspa asked.

'I believe they are positioning it for an attack. They are preparing to destroy Primi.'

Everyone around the table exchanged nervous glances.

'You mean they're going to start a war?' Mack asked.

'Not a war. There will be no need for them to fight. They will wipe out our entire solar system in one go.'

'How?' Rhaspa whispered.

'Neutron stars,' Kas answered, her eyes wide with fear. Everyone around the table looked at her. 'They're going to destroy our sun with neutron stars.'

'Yes,' Astrid confirmed. 'Once the IRIS is close enough to the sun, in theory, they will be able to use it to import neutron stars directly into Primi. If that happened, the sun would go supernova.'

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