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The Pegasus entered into a huge chamber where hundreds of federal ships were stuck to the concave walls like titanic insects. The ancient freighter drifted innocently among them and reorientated itself above a vacant section of wall. With the three X1 ships watching carefully, the Pegasus eased itself towards to the surface and touched down. The tannoy crackled.

'Disable all power and prepare to disembark,' the voice instructed. 'You will not need spacesuits or protective gear. Ensure you are unarmed before lowering your doors. You have two minutes to comply.'

Swanne looked around at her company and stopped on Worm.

'You're going to have to come out of that suit. Now.'

Worm didn't budge.

'Do it, or I'll have my bio-mechs rip your arms--'

A loud thunk beat Swanne to the end of her sentence. The governor spun around to where a thin square of metal panelling had come away from the wall in the corner of the cockpit, leaving behind a fissure barely a foot wide.

Kas's mouth fell open as Worm crawled out from within it and stood up. She stretched her little arms above her head and the robot copied her movement. Kas saw a small monitor clutched in one of her gloved hands and caught a glimpse of a video feed from the robot's perspective. She felt a smile curling her lips.

'Clever girl,' Swanne said. 'But I'm afraid your fun's over.' The governor went to the ship's controls and pressed the white button that started the rear doors opening.

A minute later, Governor Swanne was standing at the far end of the cargo hold, waiting for the ramp to touch down. Kas, Mack and Worm stood behind her while the Black Chains had lined up by the side wall like gargoyles. Even Kymeira, who usually showed at least some sign of life, was perfectly still.

As the ramp neared the floor, Kas expected to see a platoon of X1's waiting for them - or at least a team of federal soldiers - but instead, she was surprised to see a single unarmed man dressed in a suit. It was only when the ramp hit the ground that she realised she recognised him.

Aside from his new stubble, Jaral Mantana looked just the way he had in his transmission following Selva's destruction. His jet-black hair was parted perfectly on his left, framing a handsomely chiselled face that had no doubt aided him in his career as a politician.

'President Mantana,' Swanne said as she slowly descended the ramp. 'I wasn't expecting to see you here.'

'And I wasn't expecting anyone at all,' Mantana replied with a disarming smile. 'We're not used to unexpected visitors here. You must be Governor Swanne.'

'Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you.'

'I've just been reading your file. You're a rather long way from home, aren't you, Governor?'

'I could say the same of you. I wasn't aware the IRIS was being relocated.'

'It's not meant to be common knowledge.'

'Why is it being moved, exactly?'

'Sorry, Governor, I'm afraid I can't talk about that right now. Federal security and all, you know the drill.' Mantana flashed his charming grin again and only then seemed to notice the other three people standing behind her. 'So who else do we have here?'

The captain stepped forward, his chin raised slightly. 'Captain Mack, sir. Formerly of the GFA.'

'Pleased to meet you, Captain. Please, forget the 'sir'. I find formality a waste of time these days.' Mantana turned to Kas. 'Are you also with the GFA?'

'Not quite,' Kas replied. 'I'm a bounty hunter.'

'I don't believe I've ever met a bounty hunter. Does this mean we can expect to find treasure on board your ship?'

'If you do, you can put my name on it.'

'And what name is that?'

'Kas Balera.'

Mantana smiled and turned finally to Worm. 'And who's this pretty lady?'

'Worm,' Kas said for her. 'She doesn't talk.'

'I'm sorry to hear that. It's a pleasure to meet you, Worm. My name's Jaral.'

Worm screwed up her mouth and shrugged. Mantana chuckled and put his hands on his hips. 'Well now that we all know each other, why don't we go and find somewhere a little more comfortable where we can all talk? If you'd care to follow me.' He turned away and guided the group to an open hatch.

The hatch led into a short corridor before opening up into a huge tunnel, reminiscent of the ones on Eidol. There were no people around. Instead, Kas saw a couple of lone service-droids milling about aimlessly, probably looking for something to clean.

'Where is everyone?' Swanne asked as they walked.

'Gone, mostly,' Mantana replied. 'The IRIS is a prime target for another attack, and after Selva, a lot of people wanted to be with their families.'

'They abandoned their posts?'

'I ordered them to. The IRIS doesn't need so many staff now that it's closed.'

'Then why are you here?'

'Seemed like the best place for me. The attack on Selva took out the last president and I have to assume I'm now a target myself. If I go to surface, I'll only be putting whatever world I land on in danger. I can still issue commands from here and the IRIS is well guarded.'

'Do you know who attacked Selva, yet?' Kas asked from the back of the group.

'I'm afraid I can't talk about that.' Mantana stopped by the wall where a door opened up automatically. He remained outside it and ushered Swanne through, followed by Mack and Worm. When it was Kas's turn, she paused and looked into Mantana's eyes.

'Where are we going?' she asked him.

'Just somewhere we can talk,' he said with a smile. 'After you.'

Kas didn't smile as she stepped through the door.

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