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'My goodness,' Swanne marvelled. 'What do we have here? It almost looks like an X1, doesn't it, Kymeira?'

The bio-mech panther cocked her head at their new guest as RoboWorm arrived between Kas and Mack and stopped.

'Remarkable...' Swanne said as she started walking towards it .

'Back off,' came Worm's response. Swanne stopped.

'And it talks as well... how delightful.'

'I can do more than talk.' The two long blades suddenly slid out of Worm's forearms, eliciting a raised eyebrow from the governor. Kymeira quickly jumped in front of her master, her head hunched low, eyes locked on Worm, ready to pounce. But Swanne was smiling.

'Now I understand,' the governor said. 'Your attitude has given you away, child. Did you make this all by yourself?'


'I applaud your skills. Shall I assume you're also the one who savaged my ship?'

More silence.

'I'll take that as a yes. You know, I really don't have any quarrel with you - it's your friends here who have wronged me. Once we get back to Eidol, how would you like a job? You'll have access to the best engineering facilities in the solar system. I bet you could do remarkable things, given the right equipment.'

'No job,' Worm replied.

'You should really think this through.'

'She said no,' Kas growled.

'This is none of your business, Miss Balera.'

'I'm making it my business.'

'You know, I am constantly astounded by your ineptitude. I'd intended to wait until we reached Eidol before beginning your punishment, but I suppose I could be persuaded to start sooner.'

Swanne's eyes glowed and suddenly Kymeira was prowling towards Kas, her metal jaw unhinged, swiping a pink tongue across gleaming silver teeth. Kas's view was gratefully obstructed when Worm stepped in front of her.

'You don't hurt Kas,' she said. The panther paused.

'Get out of the way, child,' Swanne ordered.

'If it comes any closer, I'll rip its legs off.'

Swanne laughed. 'I do enjoy you, girl. You remind me so much of myself as a child. Kymeira, heel!' Reluctantly, the panther turned around and sulked back to the governor. 'That's enough games, I think. It's time for me to go - in person, at least. You'll still have these three to keep you company.'

The Black Chains stared ominously at Kas, Mack and Worm while Swanne stepped back aboard her ship, tailed by Kymeira.

'Don't touch the bio-mechs,' Swanne added as the doors started to close. 'Nor the Infinity Fighter. I've ordered them to kill you if you do. In the meantime, try to make yourselves comfortable; your accommodation won't be so luxurious when we return to Eidol.'

The rear doors sealed shut, locking Kas, Mack and Worm on board with the Chains. It may have been a freighter ship, but the Pegasus suddenly felt very small. Kas looked at Captain Mack and saw the same anxiety she was feeling in herself.

This wasn't part of the plan...

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