Chapter 3

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"10 minutes until class." My rude form tutor snaps. That means 10 minutes of bonding with Roz, Sam and Indi.

Sam is still doing homework so I look to Roz. "Hey" I stutter. I'm not good at conversations. What do I say. How's the weather? I'm useless at this whole 'meeting new friends' thing.

Roz looks back at me and smiles. Completely ignoring my pathetic 'hey', she starts a new conversation. "So why did you miss 2months? You're so lucky, my mum would never let me miss school."

I am frozen. What do I say? I didn't want to tell anybody, I wanted a fresh start. I especially didn't want to be thinking about Caity today, let alone talk about her.

But Indi is looking at me with promising eyes. I can't lie to my new friends. I can't keep secrets. What if one day I get really emotional? I need them to know what's wrong without me saying it.

"My friend...err, Caity. She passed away in the summer holidays." She didn't just 'pass away' but they didn't have to know that. Indi's face has suddenly dropped and she looks like she's going to cry. Roz looks to the ground then up to me. "I'm so sorry" she practically whispers, while Indi is embracing me into a hug. If Sam did hear me, she isn't showing any emotion as she continues with her back to me.

After about a minutes silence, the mood changes from solemn to happy as Indi narrates a story about how the bus broke down this morning and she had to get on a new one and sit next to a kid who was really hot. "And I accidentally nudged him and he looked at me and smiled! How great is that?!"

She is ecstatic about this boy and I can't help but find her one of the most chatty and creative people I've ever met.

Unexpectedly, the bell sounds. Inside, every neurone in my brain starts whizzing round as the bell sounded in my ears. Outside, I calmly collect my bag from the floor and make my way to the door.

Roz and Sam are in the same classes I think, so they disappear down the corridor. Indi stays with me; "Do you know where your next class is?" "No I don't actually. I have maths."

Indi guides me to my class, before leaving me to go in alone. I wish she'd have stayed. She's so lovely and easy to talk to. But my mums voice resounds in my head: make new friends Naomi. I can't just have Indi as a friend.

But as I enter the maths room, I realise that making friends is going to be hard. The majority of my class is just a larger version of the kids that ignored me this morning. The girl with chewing gum and the two boys are here. The only empty seat is next to two really pretty girls. I have to take it.


She's just sat down next to Gabby and Sian. Think her name is Naomi, what a cute name.

I recognise her from somewhere. Not quite sure where, but I do. I'm going to find out somehow. I'll be friends with her, get to know her. It's going to be hard, considering she's now friends with Indi. I saw her in registration chatting away to her. God I hate Indi.

But regardless of who this Naomi kid is friends with, I'll make sure I get in her friendship group, and that I find out who she is.

She's talking to Gabby. Bad move. If she gets any closer then Gabby might rip her face off, considering she's the most evil whore in the whole school. I want to go over and say something, but instead I stay in my seat, eyeing Naomi from a distance.

I'll keep watch of Naomi, until I figure out how and where I've seen her before.

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