The Girl with Green Eyes: Chapter 4

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~*Chapter 4*~

For the next few days (she sent another slave to serve Dastan until she thought I was suitable enough) she taught me how to treat Dastan-oops, Prince Dastan I mean.

Her lessons were so boring. She spoke in a monotone voice the whole time. She taught me about addressing him:

"When you are referring to him in front of others, always call him Prince Dastan. When you two are in private, you must call him Master."

"Master?!" I had exploded, "There is no way that I am calling him master. He's lucky if I refer to him as prince."

She slapped me across the face, "You will call him master."

I clutched my cheek and glared.

She taught me a whole bunch of other stuff like how I'm supposed to serve him dinner, how I'm supposed to act respectful around him (not likely), and blah, blah, blah. I effectively ended her lessons when I stopped replying to anything she said.

She covered me in ridiculous clothes that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing in public. I suspect it was punishment for not talking to her, but if it ended our lessons, I was fine with it. It was basically just a cloth sack with holes for my head, arms, and legs. It was huge on me, so it was actually good that I had to wear an apron because it made it tighter around my waist.

"This is what you wear at all times, unless there is a special occasion of some sort," she smiled evilly at me and continued, "and I highly doubt you will be invited to any balls or such."

Just because she said that, I'm going to make sure I do.

After she declared that I was presentable enough to see the prince she took me to his room after another slave served him supper and left me there. With him. Alone.

I stood there, just looking at the ground waiting for him to address me. See, I did learn something.

He finally addressed me, "What the heck are you wearing?"

I was wearing my sack and apron.

"I was told to wear this," I answered.

"By who?' He was becoming frustrated. Why? I have no idea.

"Bertha." She told me that once, when I asked.

"Bertha was the one who made you wear that?"

I nodded.

"Was she also the one who taught you?"

I nodded again.

He sighed, "I'm addressing you. You can speak to me," he sighed exasperatedly, "and would you at least look at me?"

I allowed my eyes to meet his for a brief second, then I looked at the ground again.

He sighed, "Fine. If that's the way you want to be, go ahead."

He walked over to a door and opened it, revealing a small, twin-sized bed in it.

"Here's your room," he said while gesturing inside.

My eyes flashed to his, "I don't get my own room?"

He laughed, "This is your room, and no you don't get a room outside of mine, how in the world would I be able to get you if I needed you?"

I looked at the ground again. I was nervous as I asked, "What would you need me for, Your Highness?"

"For running errands for me," he replied back.

I let out a breath I didn't realize that I had been holding.

"Well, I'm going to go to sleep now, so goodnight." He walked over to the king-sized bed in the middle of the room and laid down.

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