The Girl with Green Eyes: Chapter 5

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~*Chapter 5*~

I woke up to the sound of a lock clicking. I sat up and felt my way to the door handle only to find it already turning in my hands.

The door swung away from me to reveal Dastan with a key in his hand.

"Are you going to be more polite?" he asked.

"If you let me out of here."

"Well then, I won't lock the door. Also, I have to tell you that today is officially your first day as my slave. I will start out with having you go make me breakfast and bring it in here to me. I will begin to expect this every day."

I stared open-mouthed at him. I don't know how to cook.

"Did I stutter?" he asked me with his eyebrows raised.

I looked at the ground, "No, master."

He looked at me with approval in his eyes, "So old Bertha really did teach you something. Well, as a matter of fact it is actually about," he paused to glance at his watch, "one in the afternoon, so instead of breakfast you can bring me lunch. I will ask for this to happen occasionally. Hop to it, slave," he finished with a slight grin.

I glared and walked out the door.

Where in the heck is the kitchen?

Eventually I came across another slave who directed me to the kitchen. I followed his directions and found the kitchen.

I noticed a heavier man over in the corner washing dishes. I went and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir, but how do I make my master's lunch?"

The man turned around and stroked his gray mustache, "Sir, huh," he looked at me with approval, "Who exactly is your master, sweetheart?"

"Da-" I stopped remembering the rules, "Prince Dastan, sir."

His eyes got wide, "Oh, Honey, I'll make his lunch for you." He turned around and grabbed stuff off of the counter and began to chop them up, "Does he want this to be an everyday thing?"

"No, he said he'd tell me whenever he wanted me to bring him lunch." Then I remembered something, "He does want me to make him breakfast every day."

The man glanced at me, then went back to chopping vegetables, "Did he want anything specific?"

I shook my head.

"Excuse me sir, I don't know if it's my place to ask," I paused.

He glanced at me, "Ask away."

"What's your name?"

He stopped cutting and looked at me, "Why would you want to know that?"

I twisted the edge of my sack nervously with my fingers, "Well, I figured if I was going to come down here every morning, I should at least know your name."

"Why?" he asked.

"So that I can talk to you without having to make up a name for you."

"You really want to talk to me?" he asked disbelievingly.

I nodded shyly.

"It's John."

"I should be able to remember that," I chuckled and he looked at me strangely, "That's my brother's name." I answered his look without giving it a thought. Even though John let me go, I have to admit I wish he was really my brother.

He smiled at me, "Do I get to know yours?"

I shook my head and smiled, "Not yet."

Every morning I went to the kitchen and talked to him while he made Dastan breakfast. I learned a lot about him. He helped me after my little accident at the first dinner that I had to serve dinner.


I was so nervous to serve Dastan because tonight it just so happened to be soup, and I'm not exactly the most coordinated person on the planet. I'll just go straight to the point and say I dumped it on him. Not on purpose...although, now that I think about it, I'm glad it happened. It did cause him to yell at me in front of everyone at dinner which embarrassed me to no end.

He even slapped me! To make matters worse, he slapped me while I was making my apology to him so it caused my words to jumble together.

I had wanted to say, "I'm really sorry, Your Highness." I had planned to bow here and finish, "Please forgive me."

But that's not how it happened. I had started to say, "I'm-" then he slapped me and caused me to yell, "not sorry!"

This reaction from me caused some 'oohs' from the people at dinner. Let's just say that wasn't how I had planned it to be. I think Dastan was embarrassed which only caused him to be more mad.

He locked me in my room every day and only let me out when I had to get him breakfast (he had someone else serve him dinner). The first day he did it, I didn't mind. I was cocky...a little too cocky.

So because of my cockiness he slapped me a couple of times and decided to lock me in my room until he thought I was punished enough.

By the second week of it I had gone running with tears streaming down my face to find John.

He comforted me. He pulled out a stool and sat me on his lap while he rocked me back and forth. He reminded me of what my father used to be like.

John was even brave enough to yell at Dastan. I was grateful, because after he did, Dastan unlocked my door.

*End of Flashback

It was October 17. I had been out of my cell for almost a month. All of the slaves were taken away from their masters for an hour each day (starting on the fifteenth of October) to prepare for the Halloween ball. I wonder if I'm going.

Probably not., none of the other slaves acted as though they were going. So Bertha will be able to laugh at me and say, "I told you so."

I definitely didn't want that to happen, so I asked John about it.

"Is there any way that I get to go to the ball?"

"Only if one of the masters asks you," he answered.

Okay. So. Now I have to find a master and make him ask me to the ball. This should be easy. Not.

Whenever I was in the halls moving from room to room, if I saw a master, I smiled at him. Right now I was smiling at a heavily muscled guy with yellow hair and brown eyes.

I rounded the corner and bumped into something hard. I stumbled backwards and strong hands grasped my waist. I looked up into the person's face.

Pale blue eyes bore into mine, "Are you alright?"

"Yes," I answered with the perfect touch of breathlessness.

I looked him up and down. He had white blonde hair that covered his ears and reached his eyes. He was lean, yet muscled. Woah...I'm in the arms of a really hot guy. I looked at him again. He might even be a master!

The guy chuckled, "I know I'm hot, but you could stop staring."

Oh, he noticed? I blushed and looked down.

He put a finger under my chin and lifted my face, "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, my dear."

I looked at the ground again.

He looked me up and down, "You know what? Because I bumped into you, I'll try to repay you by asking you to the Halloween ball."

I think it was I that actually bumped into him...wait...did he just ask me to the ball?


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