Chapter 18: Finding Out the Truth and Introducing Disney

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Chapter 18: Finding Out the Truth and Introducing Disney

A/N: Very sorry for the delay in chapters, I was…elsewhere. Somewhere which, annoyingly, did not have any wifi.

ILOVETHISFANFIC: Yes, yes, yes updates are coming sooner now (hopefully), and … Blizzard… well you'll have to wait and see who he is… *winks*, no seriously though, don't worry, you find out in this chapter.

SnowLeopard: :) I love Charlie and Silena too. There's more of them in this chapter.

RotBTDfan1937: Oooh, I see. I'll try and include them, but it'll be hard to re-factor in Nancy Drew, as 'The Mad House' was a one shot thing. But I could always include another visit I suppose.

Tubble: Hmm yeah maybe Zia, I won't tell you for sure though, you'll have to read the story as it comes out a see who I pair him with. I could always just have him with Calypso, unless you are set on having a crossover couple. Interesting fun fact Tubble :D. About the thing on the identities of who characters are in the Legion, I was thinking of posting a list of all the chracters and their 'taken names'. But that would ruin all the mystery and stuff.

Thanks for all the reviews!

Disclaimer: I own nothing (as per usual)

WARNINGS (again I KNOW, its boring but oh well): If you hadn't already guessed- slash relationships, swearing, death, torture, fighting, sexual references, depression, weapons (like seriously, loads of weapons and deadly sharp stuff like that), spoilers...etc...just the general things that you would find in a T rated fanfic.


Leo looked in wonder at the silver cloaked man, Charles Beckendorf. This was his legendary big brother, the one that sacrificed himself in the Titan War all those years ago, before Leo even knew about the Godly world.

He certainly looked imposing. He had armor on, but under the breastplate, he was shirtless and it wasn't difficult to see the bulging muscles and toned flesh through the straps. His legs were by no means lacking in flesh either, and with the powerful hum of power surrounding him, he looked formidable. The effect was slightly dampened by the fact that he was smiling lovingly at Silena, with his arms wrapped around her waist.

But all in all, Leo reckoned that this dude, Beckendorf, gave off the exact opposite first impression that Leo did.

I mean, who was he kidding, he was nothing like Beckendorf. He wasn't really anything like any of his other siblings either. He almost didn't even fit the criteria for a child of Hephaestus, let alone a powerful one with fire powers. He was short. He was scrawny. And seriously, compared to almost any other demigod, he had no muscles. He wasn't surprised that he wasn't in a relationship, what with the way he looked.

But Beckendorf? He was like a textbook example of a demigod. Strong, handsome, respected. He was so awesome that he had reached an equal rank in the Legion of Chaos thing as the Ancient Greek heroes like Achilles and Theseus. He was a higher rank than some Ancient Greek heroes, like Orion. Wow, just wow.

Piper glanced at Leo, who stood next to her. His eyes had gone all wide and his face had slackened in awe. Overall, he looked adorable, going all fanboy over the child of Hephaestus that stood before them.

She grinned, at that. She felt concerned for Leo, he doubted himself so much and Piper always felt herself instinctively playing the part of protective older sister. Trying to convince Leo that he was strongThat he was irreplaceable.

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