Accidental roasting

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  Now, since I was the quiet kid who didn't talk much except to my friends (and sometimes my cousin who I didn't realize I shared the class with until like halfway through the year because I do NOT pay attention to my surroundings.), whenever I came out and gave out sass it was more jarring because I usually kept to myself.
Like this one time I was sitting in this seat in front of my friend (same one from the "ADHD, Sir" story). This seat I was sitting in wasn't my assigned seat, but the kid who usually sat there like, NEVER came to class, so I had decided to sit there and talk to my friend. Since the seat was usually empty I thought it was all good. But of course, the day that I decide to sit in this damned seat, and after a month of this kid not showing up, he fucking walks into the class late. He walks up to my seat and is like "yo, that's my seat." And I didn't want to move because I was having a dope conversation with my friend, so I was like "But you were late, and I wanna sit here with my friend." Then, I don't know how the conversation got to this point, but the kid said "Who do you think you are?" (like in a joking way, not an asshole way) and my genuine first reaction, that I said without even thinking or batting an eye was "Better than you". I said it with a straight face, and unwavering eye contact, and barely any emotion like it was just a normal thing to say.
This fucking kid, all the way up in the front turned around and shouted "OH DAMN" and got everyone's attention.
Then this other kid, (fucking assume they're all class clowns. I had like five class clowns in this first period, they were so loud) who was sitting right next to me and my friend fucking stared at me with his mouth hanging, and he was in complete shock. Then suddenly, he got hella hype and was like "OOOOOOHHHHHH, SHIT! HE JUST GOT ROASTED!!"
And remember, this was accidental! I accidentally just insulted this kid to his face. So in my mind I was in full-on panic mode. My inner monologue was basically just me internally screaming 'omg, please stop talking. oh shit, is this how school fights happen? Did I just get into a gang war? holy, shit someone save me. I didn't wanna start drama! I just didn't think! oh god someone help me. I'm a dumb blonde and now I'm drowning holy shit help me. Help this dumbass child. I do not wanna be punched in the face because I was too stupid to think.'
Thankfully the kid, after having the whole class know about his 'roasting' decided to just sit at one of the tables in the back of the class.  

I was pretty much shaking for the rest of the class, and I probably looked genuinely traumatized.

Like, if you were to look in my eyes you'd probs see pure fear.

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