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I have a very paranoid brain, and have this habit of just diving into the worst possible outcome of a scenario. That, mixed with how absolutley gullible I was when I was young, made this story kinda inevitable. 

Remember when everyone was like "THE WORLD WILL END IN 2012 OMG" ?
Yeah, I FULLY believed that. So I spent like that entire year terrified for the day everyone died. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. I. Was. Terrified

Then when day came that everyone was like "ITS THE DEATH DAY OOO" I was sitting on my couch furiously reading a book (because I had it for like five years but somehow I was NEVER able to finish it. And I was DETERMINED to, at the very least finish reading this fucking book before the world exploded or something.) 

Somehow I had gotten the thought of "The world will end on 12/12/12 at 12:12" (because all 12's are a bad thing I guess????) so I was reading, and checking the clock every second, (like literally I got no reading done) and fucking 12:12 happened and I kinda just quietly sat on the couch bracing for death to come. And obviously nothing happened so I was like "Wha?" so I kinda just stared into space waiting for the sun to engulf the planet or something.

My grandma saw me looking a little terrified or shell shocked or whatever my face looked like at the time and she just quietly asked me "Boo, sweetie, are you okay??" and internally I was like "I'm not dead???? Why??????????? Howwww?????????????" but I just kinda looked at her and slowly nodded.
She looked concerned but just kinda went "okay" and continued sweeping.

You don't know how pissed I was when I found out that the whole "WORLD WILL END IN 2012" bullshit was because the Mayan calendar ended or something stupid like that. When I heard about that I just kinda went "THAT'S WHY I WAS SCARED SHITLESS?? BECAUSE OF A DAMN CALENDAR"  

And now that I'm older and less dumb I realize that the whole Mayan calendar thing was literally just a big joke. But I was literally 13 at the time and somehow I didn't know any better.

It was awful. Just awful.

I hate my brain, please take it away from me.

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