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I sighed. "Yes, Derek?" I asked, I turned around and his eyes widen. "It's been awhile, man, how've you been?" He's asked and patted my shoulder. "Uh, I've been doing good, I found out I had a daughter." I said and his eyes widen. "Was it, uh, was it Katie's?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, it is. Her name is Brogan. She's 16, I think. 15 at the youngest." I laughed at myself. "I don't even remember my own kid's age." I said and shook my head. He chuckled, "It's all good." "What about you?" I asked, he shrugged, shoved his hands in this pockets of his leather jacket. "I've been okay, Dorothy and I are married now. She's pregnant with twins." Derek told me and I nodded. "Being a dad is the best thing ever, even though I missed out on Brogan's childhood. But the time that I have been with her and got to do things with her." I explained.

"Not trying to bring past shit up, but, serious question. Did you break up with Katie?" "God no! Did she tell you that?" I asked, his eyes widen and he shook his head. "No, no! I was curious, that's all." He explained, I nodded. "She broke up with me, her reason was that she needed space? I don't know, she sent my daughter to my house with a note explaining it all." I told Derek. "Damn, Mike. That shit must suck balls, dude." "Tell me 'bout it." I said, he patted my shoulder and left his hand there for a second. "I'll let you go, man. Gimme a call?" He asked and pulled a slip of paper out and wrote his number down. He gave it to me and we did a bro hug type thing. "Will do, see you later." I said and walked to my car. He waved and I waved back and started my car and drove off. I drove back home. Home that I wish was with Katie. I don't know why she's on my mind all of a sudden, maybe that talk with Tino, Vic, and Brogan made me think about her more, who knows. I drove around to a few more places and then I finally drove home.

When I arrived, I went inside and went up to my room to lay down. I got into bed and turned on a random song to help calm me down, so I can sleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with thoughts of Katie.

I woke up to a soft cry, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I got out of bed and opened my door, I walked down the hall and heard crying in the bathroom. I knocked on the door, I heard them throw up and I cringed. "You can- uh, come in." Brogan muttered softly, I opened the door and she was hunched over the toilet, I cringed at the pungent smell. She was hunched over the toilet, her blonde hair all tossed up sloppily in a ponytail. "Are you okay?" I asked and walked over to her and knelt down. "I ate some sushi." She said, I nodded. That explains a lot. "Where's Nic?" I asked. "He's at the store, getting some medicine." She said and puked, I turned away and I heard running up the stairs. Nic walked in and smiled slightly. "Hey, Mikey." He said and I stood up. "Hey, Nic." I said and he smiled, he slid past me and sat the bag down on the counter and opened it.

"Babe, can you run me a bath?" She asked Nic and he nodded, I walked out of the room. "If you need anything, just yell for me." I said and went downstairs. I decided to make some soup for Brogan. I quickly made it and sat it on the counter for Nic to get for her and I went upstairs. I went into my room and sat on my bed and Nic knocked on the doorframe, I looked up. "Hey, sorry to bother you, but, if she's still not feeling well in a bit, I'll have to take her to the hospital." He explained and I frowned. "Let's take her now." I said and he nodded. He went out of the room and attended to Brogan. I grabbed my keys and went downstairs and went outside and I started the car.

Nic carries her outside and put her in the back and got in, "We good?" I asked and he nodded and I drove to the hospital. "Daddy, it hurts!" She cried and I felt bad, I hated to see her like this. I drove to the hospital, when we arrived I pulled into the emergency area and Nic got out and carried her inside, I parked and rushed inside. I walked in and asked about Brogan and she pointed at the office next to her, I went into the office and Nic was filling her stuff out. A nurse came in with a wheelchair and Nic put Brogan in it, I finished filling out the paperwork and then I ran after them, I caught up with them and followed her into the room. The nurse put her on the bed and checked her vitals, she stuck an IV in her arm and she said that the doctor will be in soon. I hugged and looked at Brogan. "Will I get my stomach pumped?" She asked and I shrugged.

I'm so scared, I know it might not be anything bad, but, my anxiety is making me thing the worse of everything. I took a deep breath and tried to relax, what if I was pregnant? No, I don't think so. I shook my head and looked at my dad and Nic, I can tell that they're worried. "Guys, I'll be okay." I reassured them, Nic looked at me. "Could be food poisoning or something." I said, my dad winced. "Yeah, what could that something be." He said, I sighed softly. "Well, what seems to be the problem?" The doctor's voice boomed as he walked in. "Uh, she's been throwing up, I think she has a fever as well." Nic told him, the doctor nodded. "Possibility you could be pregnant?" He said and I gulped.

Mike looked at Nic, and I shook my head. "No, we've used protection every time we've done it." I said, my face getting hot. "I don't want to hear about it." My dad cringed and the doctor chuckled and wrote something down. "Eat anything?" "Sushi." "Ahh, that might be the problem." He said, I nodded. "The medicine that is in the IV is a medicine that's keeps you from vomiting and I think it's also a fever reducer." He said and I nodded and closed my eyes, the light was hurting them really bad. I rolled over and looked at Nic and my dad. "Where did you go?" He asked, Nic looked at me. "Some sushi place."

I nodded, "it was good, until now." "What if you are pregnant?" My dad asked and I shook my head. "No, no, no! I am not ready for a baby." I said, they both laughed. I rolled my eyes at them, the nurse walked in and smiled slightly. "The doctor requested me to do an ultrasound to make sure that you're not pregnant and we'll go from there." She said, I nodded and lifted up my shirt. She pulled her gloves on and put this gel on my stomach, I flinched. "Sorry, it's cold." She said. "I'm Candice, by the way." She said and turned the monitors and stuff on and wand the wand, she moved the gel around my stomach. My dad got up and walked out, I frowned. "When was the last time you had sex?" "A month or so ago." I said and my dad came back in with a bag of chips, I chuckled. "Okay," he said and turned off the monitor and cleaned my stomach and the wand. "Not pregnant, so that's a plus. Just seems to be a bad case of food poisoning." Candice said, I nodded and felt nauseous. She smiled softly and walked out.

It's going to be a long ass night, and I'm not ready.

word count; 1385

Like Father, Like Daughter. // Mike FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now