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Brogan and Nic walked in. Nic set the bouncer up and Cope clapped. "So, someone for real called the cops on you?" I asked, Brogan nodded and I rolled my eyes. "Fucking people." I said. "Tell me about it." She murmured, I put Cope in her bouncer and then turned on Netflix and selected the kid's page and scrolled. "What should we watch?" I asked and looked at Cope, she looked at me. "I dunno!" She yelled and bounced, I chuckled. "Care Bears?" I asked. "No." Brogan said, I glanced at her and she looked upset. I nodded and scrolled. "How about...My Little Pony?" I asked, Cope messed with the toys on the bouncer. "Fuck it, let's watch American Dad." I said and went to my account and played the show.

I laid down and watched the show, I glanced over at Brogan and Nic who were talking among themselves quietly. I wonder why she didn't want to watch Care Bears. I wonder if it had something to do with her childhood, I laughed at the tv and I heard Cope giggle loudly. I smiled softly and then Nic stood up. "I'm gonna head out, guys. Love you, babe." He said and then walked over to me and gave me a handshake. "Nice to see you, man." He said, I nodded. "Nice to see you, too. Drive safe." I said and he said bye to Cope and left. Brogan looked at the tv and I sat up. "Okay, so, I have a question." I said, she looked at me. "Hm?" "So, why don't you like Care Bears?" I asked, she clenched her fists. "Um, long story.." She said and turned the other way. "Tell me." I said and she sighed shakily. ** "Okay, well, when I was younger, Jack used to buy me Care Bear things and he would always buy me things to shut up about the abuse and him molesting me and stuff." She explained, I was instantly filled with rage.

"Did you used to like the Care Bears?" I asked, she nodded. Not wanting to meeting my gaze, she hugged her knees and sniffled. "A lot, actually. He used to buy me all the bears. I had every single one. He bought me like a bed set, night lights, curtains. Like, he bought me EVERYTHING that had to do with the stupid bears! I was always gonna tell my mom about what he did, but, I guess he got a vibe that I was gonna tell and he would hit me and shit." ** I shook my head. I wish this Jack guy was still alive so I could fucking kill him my-damn-self. She looked at me with a scared look on her face, like I was gonna hurt her. "Come here, sweetheart." I said gently. Brogan got up slowly and walked over to me, I pulled her close and hugged her. "I love you, Brogan Lynn. I will never let anyone hurt you and you can bet that." I muttered, she started to cry. I held her and we laid on the couch. After awhile she fell asleep, I took her upstairs.

** I was running around, "Momma!" I yelled loudly, running into her room. I climbed on her bed and saw she wasn't there. I frowned. "Momma? Where are you?!" I yelled and climbed off her bed. I ran ot of the room and into the living room, I ran into something solid. I fell back onto my butt. "Hmf!" I looked up and saw Jack, I gulped. He yanked me up off the ground by my arm, I cried. He smacked me onto the side of my head and tossed me on the couch, I curled up and I heard him stomp over. "Brogan, you fucking idiot! You know your fucking mom isn't here!" He roared, I cried. "I thought she c-came back fr-from the store!" I said, he punched me in the back, I cried louder, hoping a neighbor would hear me. "Stop your crying, you baby! Babies don't cry." He hissed and pulled my pants off. "NO, NO! GET AWAY!" I screamed and kicked my feet trying to hit him. Jack hit me in the mouth, making my lips bleed.

He smacked my legs with the metal part of the belt. He stopped when he heard noise outside, he pulled my pants on and put his belt on. The door opened and my momma yelled, "Brogan, baby! Momma's home!" I sniffled, Jack glared at me and went to help my mom with the bags. She walked through the living room, her mouth opened and she set the bags down and ran to me. "Baby! What happened?!" She asked and Jack took bags into the kitchen, along with the bags momma put down. I didn't know what to say, so, I clung to her and sobbed. "Jackson, what happened?" She asked him angrily. "She was running around and ran into the bookshelf and shit fell on her. "Is that true?" She asked, I had a feeling she knew about the abuse, I nodded and she sighed. "Let's get you cleaned up, Jack, please put the stuff away while I get her a bath."

Jack glared at me and my momma took me into the bathroom. She stripped me and I looked at her, "Momma, where's daddy?" I asked, she sighed. "Baby, I don't know." She said and gasped when she took my pants off. "What happened?" I came clean. "Jack did it! He did it all. Not book, him! He wacked me with his belt. W-With the cold hard part." I said and cried, she held me. "I'll talk to hi-" "NO!" I screamed. "Stop screaming, Brogan!" Jack yelled and I shut up. She started a warm bath and got me in it. I watched as she poured bubbles. "I won't tell him you told me." She said and grabbed the rag and got it wet and got soap on it, she washed my body and when she got further down I squirmed and whined. She cleaned me and then let me play in the water. She left the room and went to talk to Jack. I was scared, my lip quivered and I stood up. I held onto the side of the bath. "Momma!" I yelled, I hate being alone. The door opened and I saw Jack.

"BROGAN!" I jolted up. "Huh?" "You had a bad dream, you where yelling for your mom.." Mike said, I looked at him, he looked sad. "Want to talk about it?" "No." I said, he sighed. "Listen, I-I think you need to go to therapy to talk about this stuff, I think it'll be good for you." He said and I sighed. "Fine." "I'll call tomorrow morning." He said and kissed my head. "I love you." He said and then walked out. This should be fun.

word count; 1200

Guys, I'm sad that this book only has 7 more chapters! :(

Like Father, Like Daughter. // Mike FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now