I Must Xscape.

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The time at which I was supposed to arrive had passed and I was still at home, locked in my room. 

I had no intentions of seeing anyone for the rest of the day. 

It killed me inside to a point where I made myself sick. 

I didn't even understand what was making me feel this way. 

        I pulled my hair out of the ponytail I put it up in and let it all flow out. Some parts of my hair were  long, frizzy, uneven waves, and other parts were oddly straight with a loose curl at the bottom. I didn't understand how that happened, it just did. There was only one way I could escape the hurt I was feeling, and that was through dance. I turned on some hip-hop instrumentals and moved my body to the beat allowing my emotions to consume me through movement. I felt a rage of anger and energy and a burst of power shocked my veins. My heart rate was increasing and breathing became harder, but I kept moving. Plié, relevé, arabasque, pas-de-bouree, chasé, chainé, rond de jambe, turns, jumps, kicks, swings, sways, stomps, every possible dance move created was thrown out of my body in a flash of my emotions. I performed a long pirouette, consisting of about 17 turns, and when I stopped I nearly fell as I saw a figure walking towards me. 

        "Holy sh..- What are you do...-" I said between my deep breaths as I held onto my chest.

        "This is my room too. What are you even doing?" She asked, quite obnoxiously. 

        "What would it look like I was doing?" 

        "Well from downstairs it sounded like you dragged a herd of elephants up here and were teaching them tricks."

        I ignored her comment. 

        She just kind of shrugged it off and sat on her bed. 

        "Look, I know... I know you're hurting, a lot, right now."

        I swallowed my words instead of saying anything. 

        "And, I know a lot has happened recently." As she said this I sat down on my bed, looking down at my thumbs, unable to really speak. "So, I, I wasn't actually at the mall."

        I looked up at my younger sister.

        "I was with Michael."

        My heart dropped into my stomach. 

        "You...-" I began

        "Natalie, don't be angry I can answer any questions you have."

        "Destiny! No! Why would you think that's okay?"

        "I can't see you like this anymore, Nat! I know I kid with you all the time but you're all I really got to look up to as of now and I care too much to see you dying everyday!"

        "Des, this was not the solution for that." I was getting nervous. We were both speaking fast at each other, our words overlapping with each other's.

        "Then what is?!" 

        "Leaving it alone! Letting me get over it!"

        "PLEASE. You're never getting over it!"

        "Well, no, now I can't because you got yourself involved!"

        "I CAN HELP YOU." Destiny yelled over me. 

        "Destiny. What did you say to him."


        "No," I interrupted. "What did you see."

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