Give In To Me

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     Michael was a gentleman. When he loved you, he didn't just love you, he adored you. He made you his priority. He didn't call you "babe", he called you "sweetie". He wouldn't randomly make out with you, he just pecked your lips softly and kindly. He didn't touch your behind or breasts, he would just softly wrap his hands around your waist. He wouldn't call you "sexy", he never believed in that term. He didn't call you "hot" either, for he didn't believe girls were temperatures. He called you beautiful or gorgeous. He was a gentleman and I admired him for that. 

     Michael pulled me out the back door, backstage, and lead me into his seperate bus. We left before the other buses, and arrived at the hotel earlier too. We went up to his room and hung out. It started with us getting changed out of our sweaty clothes into more comfortable pajama clothes. I put on large, baggy sweats, and one of Michael's large sweaters. Michael basically wore the same. Once we changed, we ordered room service. 

     We ordered an array of foods. Chicken, fries, onion rings, salads, pizzas, desserts, everything. It was a night completely full of laughter. We were enjoing our night very much. There was not a single second that he was not smiling. After we ate and fooled around and stuff he suggested a movie. Michael loved movies. Of course I agreed, and we searched through the channels to find a good movie. We both settled on a good horror movie, and we sat there on the couch and watched it.

     I'm a scaredy cat, I won't lie, but having Michael there made me feel okay. He put his arm around my shoulders and I layed my head across his chest. He stroked my shoulders gently. I guess you could say we were cuddling. It was beautiful. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and I heard him giggle. It caused me to giggle a little too, until we were both laughing together. After a few minutes, the movie cut to commercials. I sat up and pushed my long hair back out of my face. We looked at each other. Michael was smiling largely, and I felt myself blushing. I didn't know what was going to happen. We haven't done more than like a five scond peck on the lips. The commercials ran on and on, and we still just kind of sat there. Michael spoke up, "How are you liking the movie...?" "Eh. I'm not a huge fan of horror movies. But this one's okay." I simply replied. "I agree. But having you here makes it so much better." He said that gently, blushing. That's how you knew he meant it. You could tell he was embarassed. I giggled, and started to play with his long black curls. He grabbed my hand, and touched his lips to mine. It was completely unexpected, but I went along with it.

     He pulled me closer, pressing his lips harder into mine. After a few seconds, he pulled away, his eyes still closed, and laughed. "I'm sorry....." He covered his face. He was so embarassed. "The only thing you should be sorry for is stopping." And as I said that, I pulled his face back towards mine and we began again. Through my kisses I was smiling. This was happening. He was so good too. He held my hand with one of his hands, and with the other he'd play with my hair while pulling me closer. I placed my one hand on his cheek, and let it gently lay there. 

      As I said, Michael was a gentleman, but he knew what he was doing. Suddenly I felt him smile while trying to let his tongue enter my mouth. At first I resented. I was, you could say, uncomfortable. It had nothing to do with Michael, it was just a shock to me. However, I let him in. He did this in a very kind way. It wasn't a crazy make out session, it was a romantic one. He did this out of love, and as did I. I admired Michael. It wasn't along until he fell on top of me. It was then that we were both laying down, still kissing. I trusted Michael, so that's why I didn't feel uncomfortable when he rubbed his hands up and down my side. Everything else around me blurred out of mind. It was just me and Michael. Nothing else. 

     This occured for a while. But suddenly, he stopped. He rose up, rubbing his face. "You okay....?" I asked, now propping myself up on my elbows. "Yeah." He said, his hands still covering his face. He rubbed his eyes and folded his hands, placing his arms on his knees and propping himself up. I was really confused. I was actually embarassed. "Did I do something wrong....?" I asked. "No! Heavens, no!" He looked at me, reassuring me that I didn't do anything. "It's just me." "Just you, what?" I asked, fully sitting up and leaning towards him. "No, it's nothing. I'm just-." He rubbed his eyes again. "Michael, my love, is something wrong?" I held his shoulder. He placed his hand over mine, patting it. " I feel like-.. I feel-.." He really coudln't get any words out. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned now. "I feel wrong..." He looked away from me for a second. "Wrong? What? Why?" I looked at him very deeply. "I just feel like I've done wrong." "Michael, explain to me why you feel this way." 

"Well, I really don't want to mess up with you, and I feel like that - I don't know how to explain it.. No, it's not a big deal. I'm sorry." 

"Hey, don't feel like that. I love you, okay? Don't feel wrong." I kissed his cheek.

I know how Michael gets embarassed easily. I know how Michael is a perfectionist. I know how Michael is never satisfied with himself. So I understood this. I knew it was my job to make sure he knows how much I love him. 

After I kissed his cheek, he grabbed my hand again, and I turned his head towards mine with my other hand, and kissed his lips passionately for a long time. "I love you." I said, looking into his eyes, holding his cheek. 

"I should be the one telling you that." He said, smiling.

But, instead of saying it, he sang it.

He sang a few lyrics from "The Lady In My Life."

I was going to cry.

He was so beautiful. 

And when he was done, I kissed him once again, and layed my head on his chest, falling asleep.

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