Chapter 11- Another Battle

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Commander/King Alpha's pov-

I hear the conch horn, which was blown 3 times, which obviously meant that there was another attack.

"Shit" I mumbled. "Chase, take that as a warning to never again, try and take off my hood"

Sand was kicked up, as I jumped up. Annabeth just lay on the ground, writhing and clenching her stomach where I had kicked and hit her.

"Well, are you going to get up? Or just lay there as I defend your camp?" I sneered.

"Well, I was just beat up by an older, more experienced at fighting, immortal. So I'm still in a lot of pain" She grunted.

"Actually, to be honest, you're the older one. And you started training when you were seven. I only started training when I was twelve. And again, your older, so you started training before me either way. To be precise, you started more than just five years before me" I neglected to mention the fact that she was only two months older than me, but that'd ruin the effect. Plus, that'd tell her that I was born in Percy's birth month and year, realizing that I could be Percy.

But I'm not Percy, I'm Alpha. I've never met anyone named Percy.

She just looked surprised, and sat up. The wind blew a soft, salty breeze as I turned away, and headed towards the Omega cabin formation. Preparing myself to command my army.


"Legions, line up! Prepare for battle, legions one and five, go to center, legions three and six, left wing, and two and four, right wing. Legion captions, fight in the front line of your legion" Commanded myself in the front. I then stepped back next to Raven, and unsheathed my sword. I had named it Fourtris, which in Latin meant brave. Plus I read Divergent, and they are totally my opt.

"I SMELL PERS-" Bellowed out Phorcys before I shot him in the throat with an arrow, oh you thought I couldn't shoot wit a bow and arrow? Well I thought I was going to marry the girl of my dreams, and have 10 children, all named Persassy Reborn. Things change.

"Nice shot Commander" Raven commented out, next to me, I watched her try and take out a Hell Hound.

The next thing to happen, was me flipping over a random monster and stabbing it in the back.

The trees rustled as the one and only Ephialtes came bustling out. Huh, I wonder where Otis [his twin brother giant] is.

A club came swing towards my head, I hadn't noticed until it hit me gob smack in the middle of my head. I let out a cry of pain as I crumple to the ground bleeding. I jump up at the literal speed of light, and kick him so hard that he goes flying across the battle field. Ephialtes crashed in a telikane. The telikane bursts open into golden dust, but the kick only seems to annoy and daze Ephialtes.

I swing towards the giants head, with my sword, when I get over there. I successfully hit him in the stomach, making him bleed hard. I seem to forget I need help of a god to kill this giant.

"Need help killing him?" Jason Grace asks coming up from behind. Reminding me about needing a god.

"Yeah, but I need a god,"

"What? Aren't you a god?"

"I thought we went over this, I'm a king and a commander. That doesn't make me a god, maybe in some people's eyes. But I technically am not a god,"

Apparently Poseidon heard me, because he came up and smashed his trident through Ephialtes heart, killing him.

"You aren't a god? Huh, everyone on Olympus assumed you are one,"

"Even Athena?"

"Yeah, I guess she was wrong for the first time ever,"

"No, she was wrong when she gave birth to Annabeth Chase. This isn't her first time being wrong" I sneer when I say Annabeth Chase.

"I take it you don't like her," He says as we run towards Otis, Ephialtes brother whom we finally found. But I saw him sniffle a laugh when I make fun of Annabeth.

"Uh no, I don't like a lot of people here on Earth," I honestly reply.

"Really? How about myself, do you like me?" Poseidon asks, letting curiosity overpower him.

I pause, thinking a little about how he voted for my exile all those years ago, how he never helped when Smelly Gabe hit my mother and me. But I also remembered him on my fifteenth birthday, the sand dollar he gave myself as a gift. And him at the end of the Titan war, joking around with me. But also when I returned the master bolt, when I was twelve and Zeus and him saying I was a mistake.

"I don't really know, there's many things to influence me to hate your salty guts, but also a lot to influence me to like you"

"Like what?" He says as I kick Otis's legs out from under him, causing Otis to face plant. I kicked him in the head, nocking Otis out before replying.

"I watched your past. I mean dude, you said Perseus Jackson was your favorite son, and then you exiled him. Harsh man. But I guess I kind of like you because you saved those Apollo twins, a century ago from a Hydra, along with other countless times of helping demigods," I rant. And yes, I do check in on Earth from, time to time.


"Yea, 'oh' is correct," Poseidon bashes Otis's head in as I reply. Gold dust swirls into the air, as Otis dies.

A hydra bashes into my head, where I was hit on my head earlier that day. Which causes me to black out, but not before I see Frank steal something that looks super powerful, and dangerously awesome from the general of the monster army. What could it be?

••Chapter Done••

Lots of updates in a row! Normally it's like, once ever ten days, right?

Anyway, as you guys saw in the soon-to-be-deleted A/N- Issues update, my commenting thing is not working. So sorry guys, I cannot reply, so I'm not trying to neglect you.

Any way, question time;

Forgive Poseidon,


Hate on Poseidon.

Which one? It effects the outcome of the story, so choose wisely!

And sorry about the 'what's the powerful thingy that the monsters had, but Frank just stole' thing. I briefly mentioned it in the last real chapter, but I forgot about it until the end of this one.


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