Kotatsu Cuddles [Karamatsu | Drabble]

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Just lying snuggled in one another's arm, some classic music playing in the backgrond and breathing in the scent of the person dearest to you.

That's exactly what I was doing right now.

I lied cuddled up on the floor in the middle of the living room of the Matsuno household with my boyfriend Karamatsu, the second eldest son of the family.  We lied halfway underneath the kotatsu and halfway .. Well not underneath it.

I was dozing in and out by the heat that was emitted by Karamatsus body. It was nice and warm. So warm I thought I'd burn up, but in a good way. And to be honest I'd love to burn up for Karamatsu.

Karamatsu hold in one hand is mirror looking at himself in it, admiring his handsome features most probably. His other hand was drawing slow circles into my (color) hoodie.

The slow song, Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, was now I'm but I didn't acknowledge it too much. It was just background sounds, like the birds that were outside or the screaming children.

Cuddling up more against Karamatsu I grinned to myself and without even noticing it I leaned in peaking his lips. Trough lidded eyes I saw his slightly shocked expression but he got himself together and pressed against my own lips.

Karamatsu was just so so soft. His hands were the softest hands I ever felt in my life. I hold them tightly to be sure this moment never ends. Without breaking the kiss the young male sat up tangling his hands into my hair.

The atmosphere was still just was calm and relaxed as it was before but I felt more awake now that I was actually doing something, even if that something is pressing my lips against another pair of lips.

I broke the kiss to take a swift of oxygen into my now empty feeling lungs. Afterwards I smiled at him and dove back in for a kiss.

After a short while Karamatsus lips slightly parted and I felt his tongue lick mine. I don't know when we decided that he would be topping but apparently we did and I wasn't gonna complain.

He pushed his tongue past my teeth brushing it against my own wet muscle. The kiss was slow, lazy, passionate but most importantly full of love. There were no words needed, we understood each other without them.

Our souls can speak.

Like all good things though this has to come to an end. We parted our lips from one another and looked us in the eyes. This brown irises looked into my own (eye color) ones speaking to my soul.

It is weird how people can understand each other without words, if they just trust the other enough. I leaned back against Karamatsu, between his neck and shoulder and closed my eyes enjoying the now silence.

Karamatsu lied back down with me on top of him this time. After a short while the  sleepiness got me again. I felt so comfortable and save in his arms, like there is no place I'd rather be.

Karamatsu put the mirror  down to mess up my hair with his hand while the other one went back to circle into my lower back.

Far too asleep I heard to answer Karamatsus "I love you" I hugged him tighter smiling.

I woke up a few hours later, next to the man I love. Out legs tangled below the kotatsu. On top of us was a blanket covering the both of us. I glanced at the couch giving a knowing smile and mouthed "Thank you" before drifting back to sleep.

~ Chapter end ~

It's almost 2AM and I want cuddles but I won't get some and it makes me sad. Hope ya enjoy this little drabble I made rn. Good night


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