Merry Christmas [Jyushimatsu | Drabble]

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It seemed like the snow didn't wanna stop anymore. Well it didn't bother me, or Jyushi for that matter. Actually it was perfect. White Christmas!

Also thanks to the snow we were able to do what we were doing now, more like what we've been doing for the past few hours. We're making a snowman.. more like we were making snow sculptures.. hah.

It all started with Jyushimatsus engere overloading so we had to get out. Putting on out winter cloths (even tho Jyushimatsu hates the cold) we went out.

The both of us were almost ready with the snow sculptures. Jyushis looked perfect, it looked so much like him, this boy never failed surprising me to be honest. I smiled and then looker at mine..

My representation of me is.. uh well.. interesting, I can say. Jyushimatsu tho think it's adorable even tho I lost an arm and my face looks really.. gross.

"Ne (name)-chan let's dress them up!", my husband shouted excitedly. I looked confused at him, but he just grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the house up the stairs into our room.

We stood in front of the wardrobe Jyushi taking one of his hoodies and me just a random (fave color) hoodie that was lying around an a skirt. We went back out into the cold dressing up out sculptures.

After we finished in took a picture of it and posted it on my social media. It was just a really cute idea. "Shall we go in and have a hot drink,  Mrs Matsuno?", Jyshimatsu asked me randomly. I just nodded.

It was weird hearing him talking like this. But I liked it nonetheless. I smiled at myself being really Luck to have such a cute husband.

Inside we got rid of the uncomfortable wet and cold clothing and went up the take a quick shower together. We didn't do anything perverted inside. Jyushimatsu learned how to control his boners. Almost always.

Next week got Into really cozy cloths, meaning me wearing hoodies of him and him too. We had a few hot chocolatesauce, because one is never enough haha.

I smiled. Yes this is quality time with my beloved one.

"(Name), I love ya", he said peeking my lips with his own, his lips were softer and tasted like the hot chocolate we just had. "Love ya too", I responded sincerely hugging his arm leaning against it. It was nice.

"Merry Christmas ", he whispered and I then remembered it was Christmas but we bit better decided to not get presents this year and just enjoy each others presence. Then I also remember that we had the house decorated.

I sat up and shut all the lights and lit up the lights. Trough the lights the house seem a lot more cozy Jyushimatsu fats asleep with an arm wrapped around me.

~ Chapter end ~

Ahh one more to go. I'll do Totty tomorrow I'm sure tired and I have to wake up tomorrow early 😌😌😌 night minna.

- Toffie out.

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