Authors Note - Hiatus

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Hiatus. Yes, guys. You read it right.

I'm sorry, I really am. I've been contemplating for weeks to put my writing in general on pause (or on hiatus as many say). I know for a fact many of you will be disappointed as it may seem like I'm constantly putting this story on hold these past couple of months since September or that I might not seem to be putting the effort and having as much dedication as I did before but I guess this time I can say my reason is good enough.


School has been hectic for me ever since I've came back in September. At first it wasn't as bad, I was trying to juggle everything: school, writing, my other hobbies I used to do in my free time, my social life and my family life. Since October school has been a couple constant challenge for me and since I am in a more serious part of my education than I was last year, school has become my number one priority along with my family life.

To be perfectly honest with you guys, I've had barely anytime to do anything else but school work for the past three months. I've barely read one book since September (bearing in mind I used to read at least one Wattpad book every three days and a normal book every week). I've had no time to do anything for myself other than school, revision and homework and quote frankly, recently I've been sacrificing my social life too.

Now I've decided that juggling everything and having the responsibility of updating and writing every week as well as taking care of all my other responsibilities is too much for me to handle. I'm getting more anxious, I'm loosing my plot in other words.

I've had basically no motivation this past month or so and to be completely honest with you guys, I can't continue to update if I've got no content to release. I've not written a chapter in almost two weeks. Nothing. Nada.

I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from. I truly hope you do, and if you don't, too bad because as of now I'm not changing my decision. I've decided that I'll come back when things calm down in my life. When I don't have the constant worry of everything.

My aim is to write a few chapters during my winter break and perhaps come back then when I have some good quality chapters to post. Maybe I won't come back after Christmas, maybe I will. Maybe I will decide to finish writing the entire story and then posting it perhaps twice a week.

I simply don't know. But one thing I do know that I will try my hardest. I will come back, eventually. I swear. I hope you guys understand and have a great day.

I'll keep you guys updated on the situation but for now,
Peace out

- ThatDreamChaser

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