Chapter One - Vampires...

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Chapter One


Gerard's Point Of View...

Vampires are cunning.

Vampires are self-serving, selfish.

Vampires are cowardly.

Vampires are dangerous.

Vampires are evil.

Vampires will only ever hurt you, cause you unimaginable pain and tear your life apart if they can't just take it from you directly. They're faster than humans, stronger, harder to kill: they live longer, can control minds and some have powers beyond that.

Powers that unlike the mind-control, Slayers like me weren't immune to, causing the death of my parents four years ago and leaving me and my little brother Mikey as orphans until our god-parents, the Ieros, took us in. The Ieros were Slayers too, just like my parents had been and just like I, Mikey and their son Frank (my best friend) were training to be. But unlike us three, and Mikey's two friends Bob and Ray, they were more...'liberal' than we were, which was why we were now in this mess.

It seemed that the Ieros - who ran the school for Slayers - and whoever corralled the Vampire teenagers wanted the newer generations to 'get along'. They wanted to end the fighting - or so they claimed. But like I'd said: Vampires are cunning, they're self-serving and they're fully capable of lying to my adopted parents to get their young close to us so they can kill us all.

If we didn't kill them first.

Personally, I was considering it; I just wanted not to be here, standing in the last few moments of dusk, waiting for the Vampire teenagers to show up with their teachers. The whole school was here, but me, Mikey, Frank and his parents were in front of everyone else to act as a welcome party to the stupid blood suckers.

Just as I was considering going for the stake hidden up my sleeve, several sleek black Land Rovers with tinted windows pulled up. From each one poured four teenagers and one adult, all of them pale and unnaturally beautiful.

And all of them seemed to be in year seven to year twelve...which begged the question where were year thirteen?

It was a question that even their headmistress didn't seem to know the answer to as she stepped elegantly out of her Porsche and talked in hushed tones to a tall man with slicked back black hair and eyes just as dark. He, in turn shrugged, and raised his arm just in time for a falcon to land on it. Speaking to the bird briefly - weird - he sent it flying even as a raven flew down, holding something in it's beak.

A receipt.

The black haired man rolled his eyes, but a small smile was tugging at the corner of his mouth and he said one word to the head mistress: "Wings."

"Those boys..." I heard the headmistress sigh, before she turned to us to say in a mush clearer voice: "My apologies, it seems our older students have gone AWOL, so to speak. They should be joining us soon."

Even as she spoke, a pale girl who looked to be around my age broke through the tree line of the forest surrounding the school, being chased by...a tiger. A white tiger with black stripes. Followed by a wolf.

Why was no-one screaming?

I took a step forward, but I was too late; the tiger had pounced, launching itself straight onto the back of the fleeing girl, the wolf springing onto the two of them seconds later. But even as she was pushed to the ground, she flipped in mid-air so she landed on her back, rolling with the animals and...laughing?

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