The book

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Matts POV

Madelyn and I are currently walking to walmart for her book. All the others were hungry so they went to eat. "So when we get the book do you want to just go eat. Just the two of us?" I asked her. "Yeah that sounds great." It was kinda silent after that. It was a nice silence though.

"Hey Matt can I ask you a brilliant question?" she asked

"Sure, but are you sure it's brilliant?" I said. "Haha yes it is. Where Aron and Taylor? and see told you it's a good question" I had to laugh at that. "There at some family thing I think I ain't sure though. Now I have a brilliant question" she had the look like ohhhhh but then asked what the question was. "Are you going to magcon it's In two weeks?"

"Oh I wasn't asked by anyone" she Said. "Well madelyn would you like to go with me to magcon in ohio?" "YUSSS AND IN OHIO?!?! FANGIRLING!!!" She said. I was laughing so hard I think I was about to cry. It was so fricken hilarious how she said it I was dying. She soon joined in at the laughing party. It was fun I think we we're getter dirty looks though. "Hey I think we're getting dirty looks " I told her. "I always get dirty looks in walmart. I laugh a lot for many different reasons" she said. Once again we both laugh. We pay for her book and leave.

Hayes POV

I'm sitting her with Morgan. It doesn't feel right at all. I should be here with madelyn. I just had to be a dick didn't I. "I'm so happy you left that slut for me" she said. "She's not a slut" I defended. "Hell I don't even know why I'm with you right now. I should be with her. Your the slut not her and say she is one more time I will punch your teeth in. You hear me?" I screamed. "Well go find her. Damn who would want your ugly ass anyways. Go to hell" she said while walking out the door. I flipped her off as well. I have to make it up to madelyn when she gets back.

Matts POV

We're at McDonalds eating since she loves the good here. I really like her but I think she still likes Hayes. I'll find out because I'm just that awesome. "Umm hey madelyn can I ask you another brilliant questionr?" I asked her. She paused from stuffing her face and said sure. "Um do you still have feelings for hayes?" I asked scared to know the answer. "Yeah, he just made a mistake. I'm really pissed at him still, but everyone gets a second chance with me" flabbergast is all I could think of. He don't deserve her. "Oh ok" I faked a little smile. I don't want her to feel bad. "Welp I'm all done. Are you ready to go or nahhh" she said smiling like an idiot because she said or nah. I just laughed. What's with me laughing with her jeez.

We're walking home and it's starting to get a little dark. It's silent for the whole way home. It's not awkward we're just enjoying each other's company.

Madelyn's POV

We're on our way home and I really hope the sluts not their. She's fricken rude and the classic slut. We're just about home and I see everyone out back. Matt just heads back with all of them. I think their having a fire. I go in to grab a jacket. As soon as I open the door I'm greeted by those two blue eye. "Madelyn I'm so so so so sorry. I don't know what I was doing with her. I was stupid and i was a dick. I hope you can forgive me. I love you with all my heart. And when we go to magcon I want you there by my side not that little slut. I'm so sorry. I'm a horrible person I know. I also know I don't deserve you at all your perfect in every way. I love you madelyn hope very very much. Please forgive me I don't know what I would do with out you" he said on the verge of crying. "Hayes that's the sweetest thing anyone in this world has ever said to me. I'm sorry too for not hearing you side of the story. I will take you back and I love you to Hayes" I said he ran over and picked me up and spun me around. Our eyes locked. We leaned in and kissed. It wasn't like the other ones. It was filled with passion and love. we brake to catch our breaths and I go get a jacket to go out side with everyone.

Hayes and I walk out hand and hand. "Well seems like someone's forgave someone" Nash said who was holding Bree around the fire. "Yup" I said popping the p. "Hayes don't hurt her again or it will be the death of you" Bree threatened. "Ok ok jeez I won't I promise" he said. We all sat around the fire we sang the campfire song by spongebob and other campfire songs. We also made s'mores. Mix melted marshmallow and a bunch of teenage boys and you get what is called a marshmallow fight I think. It was really fun. After that we started to talk about magcon. "Ok so if we go to magcon don't we miss like 1-2 weeks of school?" I asked a little confused of the concept. "Yeah we're not starting till a month later" Nash said "hold up am I going with y'all because I really don't want to be alone here" Bree said. We all laughed that Nash didn't tell her yet. "Yeah of corse babe and guess where it is " Nash said hugging her a little tighter. "Where?" she asked still with a very confused look on her face. "OHIO!!!" We all screamed. "Oh yay!!" she said. "Ummmm can I go to my school for a day?" I asked all of them hoping for a yes. "I ain't going I hate that school" Bree said. "Ok madelyn you can go and Hayes can if he wants. Bree you can stay with Nash. " Cameron said." Yay" I said. We talk a bit more then I take a shower and we all go to bed. I am once again sleeping with the on and only Hayes Grier. We cuddle up and drift to sleep.

Here you guys are. I hope you like it. I won't be able to update as much because I have cheer tryouts right after school. Wish me luck guys.

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