Episode 32: I'll Protect You

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So! Dedicating this chapter to chansblonde for X reason. We all be crazy. Bya!


                Stark ran through the woods holding his wound and trying to keep consciousness. What was he going to tell everyone? If it was just a few people, he wouldn’t have to lie. But since that boy Carl was around, and Gabby was clearly being a bit fickle with her allegiances, he’s HAS to lie.

                “Stark?!” Grant stood and looked at the man limping over. “What happened to you?!”

                Granny and Roy were already sitting down playing with building blocks when Stark fell to the ground. Verneta came out of her office along with Conroy and they both rushed over to help.

                Carl was coming around a corner with Gabby next to him, just talking. They both noticed the uproar and bolted.

                “What’s wrong with him?!” Gabby yelled as Conroy and Grant helped him into a chair while Granny got some first aid.

                “Tell us what happened.” Verneta crossed her arms as she looked down at the man.

                “Audrey and I were going to fix a car in the woods…” Stark gasped.

                “Audrey?! Where is she?!” Carl raised his voice.

                Stark just studied the boy, hoping he wouldn’t be suspected. “She’s dead. There were walkers. I pulled out my knife, she pulled out her gun…I fell and stabbed myself. She was already torn open.”

                Carl’s face went pale and he just turned away and started to breathe heavy.

                Gabby turned and held Carl up. “Stark are you sure?” Gabby looked back at her group.

                Carl clenched his eyes shut and took off his hat to wipe his forehead.

                “I’m sure.”

                “Carl. You should sit down. You’re getting really pale!”

                Carl steadied himself on a wooden pillar and looked at the Professor. After a minute, he spoke. “You’re lying.”

                Everyone, except Roy just stared back at the 14 year old.

                “Excuse me?” Stark frowned still in pain.

                “You’re lying! Where is she?!” Carl walked over alerting everyone to his anger. “Tell me.” His blue eyes demanded.

                “I’m not lying.” Stark smirked. “She’s dead.”

                “Where did you two go?” Carl frowned.

                “It doesn’t matter kid.” Stark looked away, pleased that he had made up such a good story.

                Verneta wasn’t about to indulge Carl’s wishes, and no one else would help either.

                Carl pulled out his gun and pointed it at Verneta, then used his foot to smash Starks stomach wound making him houl out and grip the chair arms.

                Verneta raised her hands surprised at what Carl was doing right now.

                “Tell me.” Carl gritted his teeth. “Or I’ll break a rib.” Carl readied his gun to fire into Verneta’s head.

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