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In a faraway land, there ruled a mighty king over the prosperous kingdom of Fire. He was a wise ruler and a powerful warrior. King Fugaku was also father to a young boy, the prince, Itachi. At the tender age of four, he had exposed young Itachi to the aftermath of war hoping to teach him of the life and death of a warrior.

The sight of blood and fallen soldiers cut deep into young Itachi's kind heart. He vowed to cure the world of this disease called war. To do so, he needed to be more powerful than the most powerful. People look up to power, so he was going to be the most powerful warrior and bring an end to the conflicts of the world. Each day, he spent learning of the ways of warriors and expanded his thinking sitting with the wise sages of their kingdom.

The king and queen were taking a tour of their kingdom when on the way back, the queen fell into labor and they had to stop at one of the villages. The young prince, on hearing this, demanded to be taken to them when the minister and king's trusted aide, reminded him that he was to watch over Fire country in the king's absence.

A concerned Itachi was left to pace his chambers till news of their return arrived the next evening. He awaited them at the palace gates. Soon, the king's horse and guard along with the queen's palanquin came into sight. The king was walking beside his queen's palanquin as if he sought to personally guard the one inside.

Stepping out, the queen deposited a beautiful child into his arms.

"This is your younger brother, Itachi," she told him fondly.

When the eyes of the youngling glanced up at him, the seven year old prince's world shifted.

"What is his name?" he asked.

"Sasuke," his mother answered.

"Sasuke," echoed Itachi, taking a vow for the second time in his young life that he will, with all his might, protect the child.

Time went unnoticed as his days were occupied learning talents of the highest degree and his spare time taken by his fascinating little brother, the second prince, Sasuke. Itachi was a fast learner and at the age of ten had already mastered many talents which most men in their army still hadn't. He was a prodigy.

Following not far, was prince Sasuke. Soon, the abilities of the second prince came into light as well. It wasn't long before Itachi became the only person able to defeat his younger brother. Him and of course, his dear friend, mentor and cousin, Shisui. The kingdom was now stronger than ever and the young prince, a step closer to realizing his naive dream of peace.

But one unfortunate day, like the tides in the sea, time changed and a prince unprepared became king..

Reviews are much appreciated guys.

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