Chapter Eighteen

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"Citizens of Fire," addressed Sasuke from the balcony of the throne room. Thousands of people had gathered from all over the country to celebrate the return of their rulers. Mother's absence was never more pronounced in his life than in that very moment. His lips moved with a mechanical ease he'd been trained for his entire life.

Giving a speech was never Sasuke's talent, but with his parents gone and Brother ill, the duty fell on him. He had no idea how to - or what to - say, really, but every single pair of eyes below was aimed at his face, expectant and hopeful, and he felt something twist in his stomach.

When it came to a battle, he easily slid into the role of a leader, but this was different. He stood here as a symbol of hope and victory; for many people, it even signified freedom. He was grateful that behind him stood his best friend and mentor, along with lady Izumi.

".. and we have all lost something precious to this struggle. Friends, family..." Sasuke thought of cousin Shisui and his parents. "The road to recovery is a long one.."

Izumi observed young lord brother addressing the citizens. Her face had lost some of its luster since Queen Mother's passing. The war ended up taking more from them than they had imagined. Whatever happened on the battlefield, Itachi was profoundly affected by it, so much so that he had fallen prey to illness on returning.

"Together," Sasuke said, eyeing Naruto, who nodded in encouragement. "We will rebuild Fire!"

His next words were lost in the eruption of cheer from below. It was Izumi's first time truly noticing her brother-in-law. She'd never gotten the chance given how circumstances had flipped like sides of a ryo. Lord brother's bearings were different from what she remembered seeing of him before he had to leave.

Unfortunately, she recognized that shift in shouldering weight all too well. It was quite much for a man, she understood, to journey alone away from home, only to return and find the thing he held most precious in his heart becoming ashes in the wind.

He didn't even get to meet Queen Mother.

Her own final images of the strong woman replayed in her eyes just as they had been several times over since that fateful afternoon. An unwavering warrior facing down sure death. A mother bleeding out in her arms, only concerned about how her boys would fare after her. A queen confident in her victory and of the prince who would take the throne after her.

Izumi's eyes moistened. She made haste to conceal it. She was not simply Izumi Uchiha any longer; she was Izumi, wife of the high prince, Uchiha Itachi, and lady of the Fire country. She could not show weakness when lord brother was doing his best to portray their strength despite the grave losses incurred.

Lord brother took two steps backward from the balcony, shoulders squared, chest and chin proudly held and his one arm offered a final wave before he left view. Izumi was meant to follow and the moment they stepped back inside the palace, she watched some of the firmness and pride evaporate.

Of course, he is still grieving.

"How is Brother, lady Izumi?" he asked her, voice not exactly a reflection of the same strength she'd heard in the balcony.

She considered for a few beats before quietly answering, "Recovery has been slow, I'm afraid, lord brother."

"Sasuke, please," he requested politely, much like his older Brother. She figured as much. If her brother-in-law was anything like her husband, and she suspected he was, he would not like a very formal address. "Father is not here anymore to chide you for being informal."

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