Chapter Two

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People hurt people.. greed, so much greed.. what need has man of profound wealth when he takes nothing in death - not even his body?

What use has man of prayer when he cannot even acknowledge his demons?

Like that man praying in the old shrine - what's he asking God for? Or perhaps, he is thanking Him for all the good in his life. But, he still resents the bad, doesn't he? Then, if the good things would be absent, would he not sit there blaming the very same 'God'?

"Something on your mind, prince?" Kakashi's quiet voice startled him.

Itachi glanced in the direction of the shrine once more, to the brown haired girl with the kind eyes smiling warmly at the devotees.

"Nothing," he shook his head, only then noticing the absence of his mentor's erotica novella. He guessed it was out of respect for where they stood. His expression was sober. "People need faith," Kakashi said, as if reading into what was bothering Itachi. "They need to believe in something from which to draw their hope."

"Hope," repeated Itachi, tasting the word.

"Hope. It is how we get our courage to face another day, another battle. Without hope, it would be the end of the world as we know it." His eyes crinkled but a seriousness was still behind them.

Itachi stared at him intently, considering. Then, he relaxed. "You are getting old, Kakashi." A minuscule smile teased at his lips. Said man beamed back thoroughly though. "And you are finally a little young. I was beginning to fret you had skipped being so entirely."

As Itachi threw him a confused look, Kakashi's eyes glinted childishly, briefly flitting to the shrine and back. Itachi narrowed his eyes and scoffed. "I take it back. Senile would be the appropriate term. You are obviously seeing far too much." Although even as he said it, the crown prince of Fire country felt the warmth in his cheeks blooming and he could suddenly almost feel a pair of brown eyes looking his way.

Itachi shook his head and without another glance back, retreated to the palace with Kakashi who had a far too knowing a look in his eyes.

"Drop the grin. You look idiotic," he mumbled to the man and to his irritation, it grew.


The forest didn't seem very difficult to navigate, though the woman leading them took many abrupt turns. She seemed to be growing irritable as time went by and Sasuke had the profound feeling that they were lost. He dare not say it aloud yet though - he discovered very quickly that she was quite short-tempered.

"Sakura," her companion called to her, almost timidly this time, given the last two instances when he'd interrupted her.

"What?" she snapped.

A gentle name for a fierce woman, thought Sasuke absently.

"Can we stop?"

She whirled around in disbelief. "You want to stop? Here, in this godforsaken forest in the middle of nowhere?"

"My legs ache," Akio's voice was small and she exhaled irritably. Sasuke decided it was time for some divine intervention. "Perhaps, we could rest here for the night? It will get dark soon and we will lose visibility."

Akio regarded him with utmost gratitude.

"Here? I think we are close though," frowned Sakura, looking around the area.

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