Chapter One

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The kingdom of fire was in its more prosperous of times. The two princes were the talk of the populace and the praises in the poetry of the literates. The beauty and benevolence of the queen mother was often sung of and the just king storied.

The Land of Fire had emerged as the biggest country among the five great nations. Markets and trades blossomed. People lived in harmony with each other and there was a general atmosphere of joy in the land.

Peaceful times however were, at best, a temporary phase. They would soon pass and war would rear its ugly head. Having participated in several, Itachi was convinced by now that war was not an unfortunate path to peace but the catalyst in creating illusions of power.

His childhood dream was one of disburdening the world of war. As he grew old, however, a lot happened that showed him the naivete of the thought. The nations raged on in their ignorance and thirst for power and Itachi found himself being pulled farther and farther away due to the vileness of it all.

His thoughts slowed to a pause when he reached the plains of hidden leaf. Despite his peace-loving ideas, Itachi still liked to train to clear his mind. It is how he had always dealt with the turbulence of his thoughts. He wasn't here to train though. Instead he sat idly perched on a tree branch, watching the scene below him with mild fascination.

The sharpened blade sliced an arc with impeccable grace. The opponent parried and swung their own sword. It was blocked with ease. The attack was returned with another one. It was a dance back and forth until the final blow was delivered, strong enough to disarm her opponent. The sword fell to the ground with a muffled clang. She placed the tip of the sword under her opponent's chin.

Izumi, he remembered his nosy mentor telling him. Daughter of the high priest.

Features of both the participants were concealed behind a white scarf expertly wrapped around their faces. Only the eyes were allowed to be seen. Itachi didn't need to guess which one of them she was though. His sharp eyes missed nothing. And sure enough, when the victor removed the veil, her gentle features came into sight.

Soft, onyx eyes were set in a proud face. Silky brown hair knotted atop her head and a sheen of sweat over her pale skin glittering in the sun. A small, victorious smile was garnished on her pink lips.

A far cousin of the king had been wed to her father. Izumi was given the Uchiha name, however, as a reminder of the proud lineage she came from. Itachi first saw her at this very same plain. From then on, he had often caught sight of her at one place or another, always conscious of her presence in the background. They had never spoken much, though a curious woman indeed she was, to have caught the elusive prince's attention.

Soon, she was left alone on the plain with her sword. Itachi made no move to approach her, content as he was on his branch. But then, her back tensed and she spun around. Her eyes were looking right at him then and he could detect colour rising in her cheeks following her surprise. She wasn't blushing though. She was embarassed about not having recognized the crown prince of Fire country when she met him.

He could give a lesser care.

She was about to bow and take her rushed leave when he leapt from the branch, gracefully touching the grass beneath.

"Greetings, Izumi."

She seemed to find her breath then and immediately bowed in greeting.

"Your highness, forgive me for not having seen you earlier," said she.

"I could not hear your answer last time," he began, ignoring formalities. "I would like to know."

"Sire?" asked a confused Izumi. The last time she saw the prince was many moons ago near the garden by the shrine when he had come to visit along with several soldiers and the king's advisor.

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