Chapter Sixteen

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War horns blared overhead as they made their way further into the palace. The place that was once their home was where they were now laying siege. The throne room was a havoc of bodies, blood, and rubble.

They had captured the 'king' and locked him up. While two soldiers were left behind to guard him, it was highly unlikely that Inabi would wake up.

Once the capture was successful, they had moved immediately. A portion of their troops led by Naruto, which included plenty of soldiers still loyal to Fugaku Uchiha, infiltrated the fort where Danzo had been housing with his special infantry. Itachi took another troop and followed inside the palace where the man had no doubt called for an urgent summon to alert every one of the attacks.

Kakashi was lining up the remaining men and was headed toward the army waiting outside the walls while Itachi nullified the back-up being prepared to be sent to them and was now searching for Danzo Shimura.

"My lord!" Tenzo Yamato joined them hurriedly. "Shimura has left the palace."

"Very well. Half of you, come with me," Itachi turned around to command. "The other half - search the palace thoroughly for anything we might have missed. Capture Shimura's men as well as all those who are loyal to Inabi Uchiha."

Wordlessly, Yamato Tenzo stepped forward to lead the half that was staying back.

At the fort, a battle was taking place between Danzo's 'Foundation' infantry and Naruto's part of the army. They weren't going to be an element of surprise - Danzo was smarter than to not anticipate something like this. The men were lying in wait and swords had clashed instantly. 'Foundation' members were known to be notoriously skilled, however, and the troop was on its toes fighting against them. 

"For the king! For Fire!" cried Naruto jabbing his sword high up in the air, the raw rip of sound from his throat filled with anger, emotion and most of all, determination. The powerful cry carried through the wind to all ears, revving the men up once again.

"FOR THE KING!" they all yelled in unison. "FOR FIRE!"

Throughout the course of the battle, the blonde man kept their strength up, yelling motivations and cries that kept urging them on to fight. They couldn't afford to lose this battle so quickly. Itachi was counting on them to keep this force from interfering while they picked off Inabi's main circle.

Soon, Naruto had no doubt, the all-out war would begin on the real battlefield outside.

There was more blood on them than the fort walls had ever seen. The painting so lovingly hung on the stone and brick had splatters of red all over it. The Queen Mother's face was as good as hidden behind the blood in the portrait.

It made Naruto angry.

Splattering sounds of blood being thrown from mouths, swords entering and exiting bodies and the final cry of agony before death surrounded them. It was more than disheartening to see that many of them were their own. The Foundation was starting to gain ground on them. He was surrounded by five men at once himself. They were being brought down to their knees, slowly but surely.

He would not lose to the people who made his family-like people suffer, made his friend live in exile, ripped their home and the peace among the people of their country. He just won't!

Naruto swung his sword overhead, bracing himself for going all-out. He could take them on easily, the only problem being that there were too many of them. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that they were steadily getting outnumbered.

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