Chapter Eleven

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"Any last words, prince of Fire?"

She didn't blink, nor did her angry gaze falter. If he made a single movement, she could slice his throat. He didn't doubt that she was capable. But Uchiha Sasuke was never afraid of dying.

"What gave me away?" he asked.

"Nothing," replied she. "I must say, prince Sasuke Uchiha, you were deceiving us well - and you would have succeeded too - unfortunately for you, I learnt the truth before you could fulfill your purpose of my brother and I."

His eyes narrowed at the accusation. Yes, he had lied, but there was no ulterior motive behind it.


"Danzo Shimura," revealed she. The blood in his veins boiled at the name. His features twisted into a scowl. "Where did you meet his likeness?"

"Not important. I was offered a deal."

Sasuke blinked. Typical double-crossing bastard. "I thought you were a better judge of character than that," snickered he.

She narrowed her eyes and pressured the blade with a deadly gentleness, nicking only the surface of his skin, but he felt the blood drip. "If I kill you, a runaway prince, the Fire country shall aid my kingdom with all its power. With such a huge nation's support, winning against our enemy will be easy and I can return home with my brother - is what he said."

Careful not to move his neck, Sasuke still scoffed and met her eyes with his own. "What stays your hand then, princess, when you can kill me and end your troubles?"

She simply stared. Her usually expressive eyes had nothing to tell him. In a way, it was frustrating, because he had never left himself vulnerable enough to have a dagger at his throat before. Then again, he hadn't expected Danzo to find Sakura and get her to assassinate him, that snake.

Sakura. Perhaps, he had misjudged her, if someone like Danzo could manage to manipulate her. He had thought her smarter than that. But as he held her gaze, something in his gut still told him, that she was not going to do it. That was also probably why it frustrated him.

"The soil of my kingdom shall not be colored in your blood," she finally said, but her dagger did not move.

"I could kill you for this."

"You could," she agreed. "So could I." The blood dripping down his throat seemed to be proving her point, but green eyes said something else. He couldn't tell what, but something significant was happening right now, this very moment. And depending on his chosen action, she would make her decision.

When she moved, it was in a way he had least expected. The dagger at his throat slid upwards, planting itself under his chin, guiding it up. The tip almost grazed the sensitive skin there, stilling his ability to speak. The next moment, her soft lips placed a fleeting kiss against his own. Even as she pulled away, the dagger remained persistently fixed in place.

But Sasuke had forgotten to care, for something akin to a current had run through him - no, lightning. She'd kissed his lips, but his heart felt the shiver. Then she was moving again. Strangely enough, she lifted the cloth with her free hand and once again began to squeeze water over his wound.

The dagger had effectively shut him up, if not the kiss that still somehow felt like a thunderbolt shot up his spine. Or the dark, intent eyes when she reached for the small area of skin she herself had nicked.

Sasuke didn't know whether it was the deafening silence or his hurtling pulse that made his irritation flare - or perhaps he was just really annoyed - but his hand moved like lightning, fastening around her wrist. He had expected her to warn him using the dagger as before, but she stood utterly still, except for the very green gaze bearing into his.

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