Chapter Seven

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He had not eaten in three days. Whoever thought this was a good idea ought to have fallen on their own sword, he bitterly thought in response to his rumbling stomach. He had been walking through this godforsaken forest for about two days now and all he came across were a few birds. The villagers had directed him here. They'd said it was hard, but he may find some prized animal here, in return for which, they would provide lodging and meals.

Fire's forests were always brimming with life, he thought sadly. Even his arrows were getting impatient in their sheaths, when suddenly - and miraculously, he thought - there was a rustle.


He dismounted the bow from his shoulder and drew an arrow. Footsteps. He almost cursed under his breath. One animal after so long and he had to have competition.

He recognized the spottings of a deer through the shrubbery wherein he hid. It must have separated from its herd. And then there were the footsteps speeding after the small animal. Sasuke paused to take a look. What were the chances?

And then he was on his feet, chasing after them stealthily, until his foot caught on a rock and he ended up revealing his presence by tripping into the shrubs. It came too fast as he collected himself up and he felt the sharp sting of the arrow lodged above his chest, the force causing him to fall back against the tree behind him.

She came in through the shrubbery and froze in her tracks when her eyes fell on him. Time stilled for a moment and then Sasuke pushed himself off the trunk, trying to keep his pace steady, though his feet were getting unsteady.

Poisonous arrow, he guessed. With this woman, figures.

"Good aim," he uttered, staring right back at her and had it not been for the pain, it would have come out as a snort.

Her hand snapped out immediately, wrapping around the arrow, gaze never once leaving his. As his vision blurred, he decided it was a good time to lend her some strength. Pulling the arrow out together, she tossed it aside and before he could hear her speak, he felt his body becoming heavy and his vision going black.

A lot of that happening lately, he dryly thought as his body collapsed forward onto her.


A searing, white hot pain above his chest broke him into reality and before he could quite stop it, a sound unlike any he had ever made escaped him in the form of a suppressed scream. He registered nothing around him, but guessed that someone was burning his wound to keep the poison from spreading. He wasn't unfamiliar to the less than pleasant sensation.

He could not stay awake for much longer as the pain travelled to his head, gripping on it like a vice and his eyes rolled back in his head.

"Every tear shall be paid for," he promised, placing his palm on his Mother's cheek in both affection and assurance.

It was a memory from the day he left. It played in his dreams when he wasn't having nightmares of blood and Father's lifeless eyes.

"Every tear shall be paid for," his mind echoed.

Sasuke's eyes snapped open, his mind fuzzy from the memory. He was vaguely aware of someone whispering a shushing sound in his ears and a gentle, lulling hand stroking his head that eased him into slumber again.

He smelled flowers when he woke next. He was getting tired of dropping unconscious and waking up in unknown places. He guessed he was in a big cave though, lying on a table from the feel of it. Her footsteps were light, but he could still sense her approach. His head turned on its own to see her.

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