The Ancients had noted four Elements made up the Universe – everything they knew, they felt and they wondered. Here Ive been a little philanthropist, as four important humane characteristics has been portrayed by the four Realms – Earth (strength), Air (mind), Water (emotions), Fire (will-power).
P.S: A little thoughtful this time, so it may be not that interesting Eh, but do comment!
Vivid is life on Earth,
Harmony flows free;
When fresh smells the first rain,
Calm it is to see –
Warm is the humankind,
Built on the united five –
Fingers that made the fist;
Unbreakable stands the pillars,
Of this Civilisation of Man.
When sweats fall on Earth,
Blooms out the fertile land,
Sparkling and waving,
Amidst the emptiness.
Curious ye the human mind,
Flows it so slow yet harsh,
At times gentle and pleasing,
Goes breezing in the vast.
Soothing and sweet feels,
The fragrance that one spreads;
Far, far abound goes the essence,
Free is the air, free is the mind.
When comes the dark times,
Cold becomes the strong,
Then the thunders blaze;
Violent gushes the storm,
Blows away the veils,
Thrashes down those hysterics,
Falls down those shallow woods,
And rains on the fields prosper.
Marvellous is this human mind,
Seething change and let go!
Exploring the thousand shrines,
Making their reality grow.
A vessel thy called heart,
Is kindled not with fear,
Lest with emotions to live,
Memoirs collected from life;
Water is the lifeline!
Makes it relations gloom an glow,
Emotions make it flow;
Where thee set sail,
Crossing the endless,
Till the end the waters flow.
Indefinite is its depth,
Above the course thy follow,
But get lost somewhere,
Farthest from the shores known.
At one end, where waves stammer,
Where tides fall and rise –
Sees the most outrageous sea.
No water, no life thy say –
All die of thirst and lust,
Essence of heart we get the must!
Expectations dont drive us here,
Only desires they do;
Flow is the state of heart,
Conveying love and Ernst to.
Out of the uncivilised age:
They came out long, long ago –
Fire theyd tamed,
Ignited their spirits long,
Became progressive this humankind,
Immortal lighted their way,
Desires built up the flares,
That soon spread wild,
Burned on it were they,
Came out the strongest!
The more this fire burns,
The more glitters the Gold,
Fails that fly down to ashes,
Even those fiery beasts scare out,
As human spirit makes the way.
Sun is the Fire,
Day dawns from Him,
The man keeps the flame high,
To say, this spirit will die never.
Free to the Heavens (collection of short poems)
PoetryThis book is a collection of short poems by me... Contains a series of vivid, enthusiastic, energetic poems that will surely let you flow to the brink of heavens.... Notable one include "The Starry Messenger", "Cat in the House" and others... The po...