Chapter Three.

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I was almost asleep when I heard a loud noise. I opened one eye to see someone scurry to pick a book up off the floor. She threw her light brown hair off her shoulder and grunted loudly in frustration. She disappeared into the back for a second and I figured it was safe to close my eyes again. Officer White wasn't here, so I could basically do whatever I wanted.

"Get up," she said. Something hit my chest and then fell into my lap. I groggily wiped my eyes and picked the stack of papers up off my lap.

"Excuse me?" I asked. Maybe if I could intimidate her she would leave me alone. It always worked before.

"You heard me, get up. You have a lot to learn, dude." She say down at one of the many desks in the back and she glared at me until I got up and made my way over to her. She smiled as I took a seat in front of her.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked. She had a lot of nerve. No one ever had the balls to talk to me like that. Even if they didn't know who I was, my appearance made them realize I wasn't anyone to be messed with.

She smiled innocently. "Drop the attitude, Styles. I'm Lily. "You don't have many friends do you?" Her tone wasn't mean or even spiteful.

"No, but I don't need friends. People are assholes anyway." I flicked my lip ring as she typed away on the computer.

"Are you just saying that because you don't have any friends?" She wondered, a smirk playing on her bright pink lips. The only answer I gave was a scoff. "Maybe if you weren't so broody people would want to be your friend."

"I didn't ask to be analyzed, Lisa. Just teach me how to do the things I need to do on a daily basis in this hell." I was starting to get irritated all over again.

"Lily," she said with a laugh. Her laugh would be cute if she wasn't so annoying.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You called me Lisa. My name is Lily."

"Whatever," I said with an eye roll.

She swiveled her chair and stared me down. If looks could kill, I would be dead. I'd only known her for ten minutes and I had already pissed her off. A new record.

"Are you always like this?" She asked, as she pounded her nails into the desk.

"Like what?" I smirked. That smirk worked in my favor every single time I used it. Whether it was the last straw in getting a girl to come home with me or getting myself out of trouble, it always seemed to be an advantage.

"Like- like an... Ass," she said. She said the last word like she was intimidated by it. She didn't curse much, you could tell by the way the word fell from his lips.

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed. She thought she could insult me? She obviously didn't know who I was, and if she kept it up she was going to get her feelings hurt.

"You really don't like me, do you?" I wondered. As she got even more frustrated, I got more and more amused.

"I don't know you well enough not to like you, but I think your attitude sucks."

I rolled my eyes. "Shouldn't you be teaching me how to, like, file paperwork or some boring shit?"

"Officer White already taught you that. I have to teach you how to work the coffee machine and how to put things into the computer correctly," she said, popping the gum in her mouth.

She took me to the way back where the coffee machine was. Using a coffee machine was easy, you didn't need to be a fucking rocket scientist to figure it out, but she insisted that it was high-tech and sort of difficult.

I watched her fumble around with the machine, pushing her hair out of her face in frustration as she tried to get the machine to work. She would actually be pretty hot if she wasn't so annoying.

"Got it?" She asked, turning to face me. I had to admit, I was staring at her ass as she bent over the coffee machine. It was a nice ass, I had no shame. The skirt she was wearing made it hard not to check her out.

"Yeah. I didn't need to be taught how to use it in the first place, but I think I've got it under control," I said sarcastically. I included an eye roll for dramatic affect and she clicked her tongue, turning on her heel and walked back towards the desk she sat at before.

"I think you can handle everything now. If he decides to ask for help with something you aren't sure of, let me know and I'll help you out so you don't mess it up. Things are supposed to run smoothly here to make the officers lives as easy as possible. It's our job to ensure that everything gets taken care of so they don't have to do it."

"I guess we're just the police station's own personal bitches," I said with a sigh. Lily glared at me for the tenth time since she got here. Literally.

"We are assistants, Harry," she scolded me.

"Assistants get paid," I reminded her. "Last time I checked, I would be busting my ass for free. "  She stared at me for awhile. I hoped she was trying to come up with a good comeback. I liked arguing with her.

"Shut up," was all she said. So much for a good argue session. It was a comeback any ordinary second grader would have come up with.

"We aren't even their bitches, we're their slaves!" I exclaimed only because I knew it would irritate her even further.

She stopped typing at her computer. The look on her face seemed as if she would leap across the desk at any second.

"Unless you want me to tell Officer White that this won't work out, I'd advise you to shut your mouth and get to work," she snapped.

She wasn't a sassy person with good comebacks that could banter with me for the time being that I had to work in this shit hole, I realized. If anything, she was a boring, stick in the ass tattletale.

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