Chapter Thirty-Two.

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Harry's POV-

Lily's long brown hair cascaded down her back on loose curls. A loose bath towel was the only thing covering her small frame. She was finalizing the last of her make-up, her mouth open in that stupid "o" shape that women always did when they applied that liquid shit to their eyelashes. I would never understand why Lily put on make-up, she sure as hell didn't need it.

"How's this?" I wondered, causing her to jump.

Her reflection stared at me in the mirror, a scowl pressed into her lips. "You made me get mascara on my nose," she pouted. She left the mirror to stand in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes of the deep purple love bites that covered her bony shoulders. I took pride in knowing I had done that.

She scrunched her nose as I used my thumb to wipe it. She mumbled out a quick thank you before stepping back to look at my outfit.

"Harry, you are not wearing a band tee to Thanksgiving dinner," she rolled her eyes before pointing to the closet door. "Change. Now."

I was going to protest, but the look on her face told me she would probably punch me if I disobeyed her command. I did as I was told, taking the band shirt off and hanging it back up. I replaced it with a silly white button up that resembled the one she had literally ripped off of me on our first date.

However, i ignored her protests to change out of the black skinny jeans that covered my legs. Those were staying no matter how many times she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You're so difficult sometimes," she muttered. She seemed almost as on edge as I was.

"You're lucky I'm coming," I told her. "I'm not even American, I don't know how this whole Thanksgiving shit works."

She smiled and I felt pretty damn proud of myself. I hadn't seen her smile once today. She had been high strung since she rolled out of my bed this morning. Hell, I might as well call it our bed because she hadn't really left since our first date almost four weeks ago.

Her routine stayed the same. She went to school, she worked at the station, she just came home to my flat now instead of her parents house. I never really asked her to move in, it was more of an unspoken agreement. It was heaven falling asleep with Lily snuggled into me every night.

She wasn't even shy about changing in front of me anymore. She dropped her towel on the floor before pulling a pair of lacy black underwear up her legs. I tried my hardest to ignore the bruises that were scattered across her body. It pissed me off every single time i spotted a new one. She smiled at me as she clasped the matching bra around her chest. God, she was so fucking sexy.

"Babe, can you zip me?" She wondered, holding her hair up. She held a blue dress to her body with her free hand.

I zipped it up easily. The dress slid down her body a bit, exposing the lacy part of her bra. She frowned as she tried to readjust the dress. It was no use, it slid down every time she tried to fix it.

"I don't understand," she said in disbelief. Her eyebrows were etched together and she was frowning. I didn't understand what the issue was. "This dress fit me perfectly when I bought it last month. Now it- it's too big."

I still didn't understand the problem. She had lost weight, so what? It wasn't very much, I couldn't tell a difference.

"This was my favorite dress," she sighed, taking it off and folding it. She placed it on the bed and walked back to the closet. She pulled out a deep red dress with a low neck and quarter sleeves. Personally, I liked the red one better. It fit her curves and it may have accentuated her chest a little too well. It even hid the purple bites that covered her shoulder, which was a bonus.

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