Chapter Thirty-Five.

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Harry's POV-

The only sound that could be heard was the faint sound of Lily snoring beside me, which was odd because she usually would have been at school by now. Her back was to me and her caramel colored hair was sprawled out everywhere. I loved waking up before her, just so I could admire her without the "oh god, Harry. What are you staring at?" that she always seemed to hit me with when I stared for a little too long.

It was cold. Even though the heat was on and the blankets were all the way up to my neck, I could feel the bone chilling cold that was making it's way in from the outside. Sometime during the night, Lily had scooted close to me and curled herself into a small ball. I couldn't tell if it was from the temperature or if it was because of the cold she had caught. She had already gotten sick twice since the previous month and she was always a bit cuddlier when she didn't feel well.

I traced patterns into her back, amused by the way her breathing would change every time i touched her. Her breaths were raspy and she coughed often but never woke herself up. I placed innocent kisses on her head, traveling down to her forehead then the side of her face, then her neck.

"Stop that," she whined even though I could see her smile. She sniffled before turning over to face me.

"Good morning, babe," I murmured into her ear. She smiled before lazily throwing her arms around my neck.

"I feel like shit," she sighed.

"You have a cold, genius. You're not going to feel good."

She groaned, nuzzling her face into my neck. "You're not very nice."

"I'm sorry." I apologized even though I was laughing. "Do you want me to get anything for you?"

She lay still for a moment, the only sound coming from her were sniffled and raspy, cold -stricken breaths. "I want you to stay with me. All day."

I sighed. "Why didn't you go to school?"

"What part of 'I feel like shit' didn't you understand?" She wondered, placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"Alright, alright." I argued in fear that the sick girl would get snippy again. I sighed as i rolled out of bed, ignoring her arms around my waist attempting to tug me back down.

"Haaaaaarrryyy," she whined when I slid out of my sweatpants.

"Lillllllyyyyyy," I mock-whined back.

"Where are you going?" She coughed and it sounded like she was about to regurgitate her lung or something.

"I still have to go to work," I sighed, pulling my jeans up my legs.


"I do. White's working on this burglary case and they're close to finding out who it is. I have to go do some stuff around the station, babe."

When Lily and I first came out as a couple to everyone, I think the officers at the station were the most shocked. As far as they knew, we hated each other. We never used to hide our disagreements at work. One day we hated each other, and the next we were making out by the water cooler.

She rolled over onto her side with a groan, coughing as she did so. She grabbed her phone and the next thing i knew it was being pressed to her ear.

"Eric-yeah, hey," She said sounding very, very congested. She laughed at something he said-well, more like coughed at something he said. "I'm extremely sick, Eric. I can't make it in today and I was wondering if maybe you could give Harry some time off as well. You know? To take care of me and whatnot."

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