Chapter Eighteen.

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The rain outside echoed against the roof of the place with a loud pitter-patter. The police station had been dead for the latter part of the day, and the book I was reading was just starting to get good.

"I think I'm gonna get going," Blair stated, throwing her blonde hair over her shoulder and collecting her things from Lily's desk. "This storm is only going to get worse."

I managed a nod but kept my face buried in the book. I was reading a memoir about this woman named Jeanette Walls. It was called The Glass Castle. Long story short, her parents were shitty parents.

The door slammed behind her and only seconds later it opened again. Squeaky shoes got louder the closer she got to her desk. Her light brown hair was soaked and her Columbia looked like it was flattened onto her. Even though she was soaked and her outfit had obviously been ruined, she looked breathtaking.

"You shouldn't have come in," I told her, the first words I had spoken to her since I nearly beat the shit out of Ashton two weeks before.

She stared at me confused for a moment, and I honestly believed she was debating on whether or not to continue to give me the silent treatment. "It's my job, Harry. I can't just not show up. It's only a little rain."

I sighed, turning towards the television. A banner ran across the bottom of the screen advising everyone to stay indoors and there was a flood warning through the county. She saw the banner too, sighing before literally plopping down into her chair.

"I need to call Louis," she said. I knew she was talking to herself, but i spoke back anyway.

"Why do you like him anyway?" I asked. Her brows furrowed together.

"What?" She wondered. She narrowed her eyes, almost daring me to say something to anger her.

"Louis. Why do you like him? He's such an-"

"Stop it, Harry," she said, drumming her fingers into the desk.

As I was about to retort with something argumentative, a loud noise pierced through the air. Both of our heads snapped in the direction of the Television.

"Breaking news." An overly excited voice said. "The roads are closed off and everyone is advised to stay put until this storm blows off. Thank you."

"God dammit!" Lily said, picking up her phone and quickly pressing unidentifiable numbers. She got up and made her way to the restroom, slamming the door behind her. It seemed like swear words were the only thing that came out of her mouth anymore and that tore me apart.

I didn't want to be nosy, but something told me to get up and listen. The wall was cold as I put my ear next to it.

"Lou, I'm sorry baby. We're going to have to reschedule," she said calmly. "I'm safe, I swear. I'm just at the police station with Harry. Louis Tomlinson, you don't have to worry about it- no, but- stop. I have to go, bye."

I ran back to my desk, picking up my book before she even made it out of the bathroom.

She looked flustered and she let out a loud grunt as she sat at the desk. The lights flickered and suddenly it was dark. She grunted loudly again and from her shadow I could tell that her head was down on her desk.

I had never seen her so worked up before. "What's the matter with you?" I wondered. My eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness and with my new sight I made my way over to her desk and sat on the edge.

I didn't have to see her in the light to know that she rolled her eyes. "I had plans tonight. Now I'm stuck here with you in this fucking place."

"What's so wrong with that?" I mumbled. Truth be told, my feelings were hurt. I wouldn't have given a shit if someone else had said it, but this was Lily and I craved her approval more than anything.

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