Chapter Thirty.

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Lily's POV-

Harry unlocked his apartment with a swift turn of his key. We entered the door, giggling and kissing as we did so. Our wet shoes squeaked against the hardwood floor, making us laugh even harder as we kissed our way to his bedroom.

I was still soaking wet when Harry gently pushed me onto his white comforter. A huge water stain would be there later, but all I was worried about was the boy who hovered over me. The boy that was now planting kisses down my jawline and onto my neck.

I whimpered when he kissed my collar bones. I tugged on his shirt. He flashed me that irresistible smirk before standing up to take it off. I had seen his body multiple times, but it struck me now that this was mine. He was mine, and something about that struck a spark inside of me.

I sat up, wrapping my legs around his. I started kissing down his chest, down his stomach, stopping at the hem of his boxers that peeked above his pants.

He groaned when I smiled at him teasingly, standing up to kiss his lips. He smiled into the kiss, causing me to smile too.

He grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling away from the kiss and raising an eyebrow as if to ask for permission. I laughed before nodding, holding my arms up.

He watched intently as he unzipped my Columbia and threw it onto the floor. He started on my t-shirt next, peeling the wet fabric from my skin and pushing it up slightly. He kneeled down And pressed small kisses up my stomach as he lifted it higher and higher. He kissed all the way up to the wiring of my bra before standing back up and taking it off of me completely. I didn't wait for him to make the next move before I reached behind me and unclasped my bra, sliding it off of me and letting it fall to the floor with the rest of our clothes.

He didn't waste time connecting his lips to mine, moving down my jawline, down to my neck, and then across my collar bone. I flinched when his lips made contact with my right shoulder.

He pulled away quickly. "Did I do something wrong? I'm so-" He stopped talking. Instead he reached his arm out to touch my shoulder. I followed his hand with my eyes. A yellowish- purple bruise stretched from the tip of my shoulder blade to the top of my breast. The perfect outline of a seatbelt.

"Who did this to you?" Harry wondered. "Was it Louis? I swear to god I'll kill him."

I pushed away from him and sat down on the edge of the bed, somehow feeling vey comfortable even though I was extremely exposed.

"The seatbelt was too tight," I told him, crossing my arms over my chest to hide myself.

He sighed, sitting down next to me and pulling me into him. He kissed my forehead twice before laying us both down. I fell perfectly into his side, nuzzling my head in the book of his neck. He wrapped his arm tightly around me.

"That's not normal," he said when I nuzzled deeper into his neck. He covered us up with the blankets, not seeming to care that my breasts were pressed against him.

"I bruise easily." I whispered into his neck. He always smelled so good.

He nodded his head in understanding. "We just almost..."

"Yeah," I said in response.

"And you were okay with that?"

"I wasn't thinking about how okay I was with it. I was just thinking about how much I wanted you," I said honestly. He laughed, pulling me closer to him.

"I can't believe we- it was just soon."

"Very soon," I sighed.

"Next time," he looked down at me. "If there is a next time, I want it to be special because you're special to me."

I wasn't a virgin. None of the times I had done it were romantic, but then again, each time was with Louis. It was either the backseat of his car or having to do it silently while my parents were asleep down the hall or in his dorm room never knowing when his roommate would walk in.

It didn't seem to matter that Harry and I had just made it official only an hour before, everything was just right. It was like we had been together for years. This is where I needed to be from now on, with him.

"Deal," I laughed. "Next time you can totally seduce me romantically."

He seemed pleased. We lay there silently for awhile, I moved from the crook of his neck down to his chest. I was turned on my side while he lay on his back. He traced circles on my bare stomach. I didn't even flinch when he moved his fingers down to the button on my jeans. I raised an eyebrow quizzically when he undid the button.

"You're going to get sick from these," he defended himself. "Take them off. You know which drawer my shirts are in."

I scoffed as I struggled to get the wet fabric off my body. The hardwood floor was cold on my feet as I slumped over to the drawer. I grabbed the first t-shirt I saw and pulled it over my body.

I crawled right back into his arms as soon as I got back into his bed. He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I want to take you out on a real date. I mean, I'm not very good at this whole relationship thing, but aren't you supposed to do shit like that?"

I laughed at his use of words. Months before, I used to cringe when he cursed. "You are."

"Then that's it, I'm taking you out."


"Wherever you want," he said with a cheesy grin. I was about to tell him that I was fine with not going out on dates if he didn't want to, but the smile on his face was just so cute. "Or better yet, I'll surprise you."

"I hate surprises, so it better be a damn good date," I told him, kissing his nose.

"I'll try my best," he promised. "But no promises."

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