Chapter Six

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"Alright! Alright, Harry! I've got it!" Lily screamed. She kept kicking at my foot to get it off the gas, and once I figured we were far enough out of dodge I let her take control.

We sat in complete silence for a few seconds, her watching the road and me watching her. Her nose was twitching and her hands were shaking. She kept drilling her fingernails into the steering wheel, like it was her own personal punching bag.

"You're shaking," I said. I didn't really want to talk to her, but I needed to do something- anything to break the silence.

"Of course I am. I'm freaking terrified," Her voice was rushed, and she struggled to say the last word.

"Why?" I asked. It wasn't like we got caught or anything. She should be fine.

"You're kidding, right?"she looked at me confused as I sat there silently. What was I supposed to say? "I could have gotten into do much trouble."

"But you didn't, so calm down." I had such an adrenaline rush, my hands were shaking about as much as Lily's. However, hers were shaking in fear. My quivers were from excitement.

We were halfway through the intersection when she slammed on the breaks, causing me to lurch forward in my seat.

"Calm down!?" She yelled. "I am not going to calm down! My best friend dragged me to an illegal party and I almost went to jail! Now I'm stuck in the car with you of all people!" She rested her head against the steering wheel, her eyes closed.

I debated on whether or not to run. I didn't know how to react when people cried on front of me. I didn't want to deal with it. But, I couldn't. My truck was my baby and if I left it here then who knows what could happen to it.

"Oh come on, don't cry. It's not that big of deal. You didn't get caught, we're safe. Everything's okay," I said awkwardly. I didn't know how to calm her down. What do you say to a person when they break down right in front of you? In movies, the guy would hug the weeping girl in front of him. Was I supposed to do that? Fuck it.

I slid across the seat and wrapped my arms around Lily. She froze at first, obviously as shocked by my actions as I was, but she quickly got over herself and wrapped her arms around my waist. I rested my chin on top of her head as she cried into my shoulder. I wondered if she could feel the awkwardness or if it was just me. I didn't know how to do this shit. Showing any affection wasn't me. I liked fucking, not hugging.

She looked up at me, more tears threatening to spill over the brim of her eyes and wetness streaked down her cheeks along with the black of her eye make up. She tried her hardest to smile, but it wasn't convincing in the slightest.

"I'm sorry," she said, pulling away and wiping her eyes. She started the truck back up and began to slowly drive away.

"For what?" I wondered. I wasn't buzzed anymore, I was exhausted. I needed nothing more than the comfort of my bed.

"Being like this," she forced a laugh, sniffling her nose afterwards. "I'm just really upset."

"I can tell," I teased. We were driving around aimlessly with no exact destination.

She stayed silent for awhile, I knew something was bothering her.

"What's wrong?" I wondered. She pushed her hair out of her face and took a deep breath.

"I don't have a way home. You're still too drunk to drive and I can't just take your truck." Her voice was still a little shaky.

I didn't want to offer it, but the thought escaped my mouth before I could even process it. "You could always just stay at my place tonight. I can take you back home in the morning."

"What do I have to do for you in return?" Lily asked.

"Make me breakfast before you leave." I knew what she was hinting at, but she wasn't that type of girl. Honestly, I didn't want to sleep with her anyway. She was the type of girl to develop feelings and I wasn't that guy.

"Deal," she laughed.

I told her how to get to my apartment and she drove silently. It was nearly two am when I unlocked my front door and lead Lily to the couch.

"You don't plan on sleeping in that, do you?" I asked, looking over her appearance. Her make up was smudged down her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy. She had gotten tired of wearing her heels when she was driving, so her bare feet slapped against the wood as I gestured for her to follow me.

I ruffled around through my drawers in my room, trying to find something for her to wear. I gave her an old pair of athletic shorts and a black t shirt that was now too small for me now but would come down to at least her knees.

I sat myself on the couch as she used my bedroom to change. She emerged in my clothes, a small smile playing in her lips.

"What?" I asked as she plopped down down next to me. I fought the urge to move her foot of the coffee table. It was one of my biggest pet peeves, but I would let it slide just this once.

"I can't believe how fast we got out of there," she laughed. It was a genuine laugh, one that caused her to throw her head back and use one hand to cover her mouth and the other to hold her stomach.

"I'm pretty sure the people that came out behind us actually fell down the stairs," I said, causing her to laugh even harder. "I don't even think the asshole had his pants all the way up his legs."

She went completely silent. "Why do you talk like that?"

"Like what?" I wondered, picking at the leather of the sofa.

"You can't have one normal conversation without swearing or saying something completely insulting."

I thought about it for a moment. "I guess it's just how I am."


Lily was curled up in a ball on the couch when I emerged from my room the next morning. She snored quietly and her hair covered most of her face. I sat down on the other end of the couch and watched her.

She made strange noises every once in a while and she managed to stay wrapped up in the blanket through her thrashing around. When ten o'clock rolled around, I figured it would he safe to wake her up.

"Lily, wake up. Get your ass off my couch," I grabbed her leg and violently shook it. Her eyes popped open and she kicked my hand away. I laughed as she sat up and stretched, a strange noise escaping her lips as her shoulder made a loud popping noise.

"I think you should invest in a more comfortable couch," she said groggily. Her morning voice was low and almost cracky.

"I think maybe you should start breakfast. I'm fucking starving."

She rolled her eyes before standing up and walking into the kitchen. She rumbled around in the drawers and cabinets for awhile and then I heard a low sizzle. The smell of bacon hit my nose.

"Get in here, Styles," she called. I got up from the couch and walked in the kitchen to see one plate of toast set out on the table. There were only a few pieces of bacon being fried and only one egg being cooked.

"You aren't eating?" I wondered as I say down and took a bite out of my toast. I folded the bread in half before shoving it in my mouth.

She shook her head. "I'm not really a breakfast type of person." She watched me as I ate my first piece of toast.

"I think it's really freaking weird that you fold it like that," she said as she got up to put the bacon on a plate. She threw the egg in the trash because it was burnt, but I refused when she tried to make another. She ridiculed me as I ate, laughing when I tried to justify why more food ended up on the table than in my mouth.

"You can keep that. Or just bring it to me on Monday," I gestured toward her outfit as she washed the dishes.

She nodded her head, but didn't say a word. She remained silent until I pulled up in front of the address she has directed me to.

"Thank you, Harry," she said as she climbed out of the truck. She closed the door and leaned her head in through the window. "Who knows, maybe we can actually be friends."

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