Ch. 6

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I know there hasn't been any action yet. I'm sorry.

Also (and this pains me just as much as it pains you) pretend Angelica never had a crush on Alexander.

I still have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.


George POV

"I don't wanna go." Ash yelled from the bed area. She was changing into her dress.

"Too bad. I won the shoot off fair and square." I yelled back

"Barely, mine was just on the line."

"And how many have you won that way?"

"Fair point."

"Can you hurry up?"

"Okay, jeez." she mumbled stepping out. The dress looked amazing on her and the mask matched perfectly.

"Your carriage awaits you." I said bowing

"We're riding horses doofus."

"Way to ruin the moment Ash."

"Just you wait."


John POV

We were walking to the horses we were going to ride to the ball when we saw George walk out of the tent and bow. Being the geniuses we are, we hid behind a nearby bush to listen.

"Your carriage awaits you." George said bowing

"We're riding horses doofus." The girl said. We had seen her around sometimes, just glances. Some people thought she was a ghost. You never saw her straight on, always the corner of your eye or a glance. She was always gone by the time you tried to get another look. We knew she was real though. She was the girl we had seen him rescue so long ago.

"Way to ruin the moment Ash." George said

"Just you wait." She giggled. She sounded like a certain friend of mine when she said that.

She was wearing a dark green dress with black down the front. The exact dress Hercules had described to us yesterday in the tent.

Could this really be the Asher?



The dress had stretched out a bit as I rode the horse into town, so I could finally breathe now.

George had offered to rent us a carriage, but I refused. I didn't need to ride a carriage if we were only going a few miles.

Once we got there I jumped off the horse. It was very cold. I obviously didn't think this through.

"Here. Wear my jacket." George offered

"I'll be fine Georgie. Thanks for the offer though." I didn't want him getting cold

We walked into a very impressive building and were directed to a ballroom. When we got there I grabbed George's arm and saw him blush. He was so cute when he blushed. No one really paid much attention to us as we walked in. I was very glad of that. I wasn't exactly the type to try to grab the spotlight.

Lots of people walked up to George and talked to him. I ended up on the side of the room talking to a girl named Eliza. We had become friends and decided to write to one another. I told her I was a nurse in the war. I was slightly paranoid that if I told her who I really was I'd be putting her in danger. She told me she had two sisters named Peggy and Angelica. I had figured out she was a Schuyler sister, but if she didn't want to tell me she didn't have to.

I saw her staring at something in the middle of a conversation we were having. She looked helpless. It was scaring me. From what I had gathered in the short amount of time we had been with each other she seemed very independent, and I had gathered a lot. I was a spy for 5 years. The best one out there.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing's wrong." She replied. I turned to look at whatever she was looking at. Alexander Hamilton. My brother. She had a crush on my fucking brother.

"Alexander?" I asked confused.

"Is that his name?"

"Yes. He's in the war."

"That's so brave." She looked like at this point she couldn't form a coherent sentence.

"Yes, it is. I'm going to go talk to him."

"No, please, no." She looked scared. She must've thought I was gonna try to steal him from her. Ew.

"You know Eliza, I would never hurt you."

"I know."

"I'm gonna go talk to him." I walked over to talk to him.

"Hello. My friend over there wants to meet you." I then grabbed his wrist dragging him behind me.


Eliza POV

I was getting nervous. That's when I saw Ashley walking towards me, a certain soldier being dragged behind her. Damn she was strong.

She saw me and smiled walking faster.

"Elizabeth Schuyler. Thank you for all your service." I said. I was shaking.

"If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it." He said kissing my hand.

"I'll leave you to it." Ashley said walking over to General Washington.

"Would you like to dance Madam?" Alexander asked me.


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