Ch. 22

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I literally cried while writing this.

I have somewhat of an idea what I'm doing.


Alexander POV (Bet you weren't expecting that)

I am doing this for them. For Eliza. For Philip. For Mom. For America. For Nevis.

For Ashley.

As I remembered their names I realized something. I finally have something to fight for. I have a family. I have something to make me stay alive through this entire war. Not just victory. Not just glory. Love. Pure, untainted, love. Something I now realize, is hard to come by.

And then I charged. I ran into battle, with my men not far behind me. I ran through the fiery rage of war thinking only one thing.

I can make it better for them.

The battle continued, and me and my men were growing tireder, but so were the British. We could win this. I knew we could. I knew we could, because we had to.

The fight grew on and after one week half the men on both sides were gone. Either from death, injury, or sickness. I hoped John was okay, wherever he may be. I knew I would see him again.

After another week I was covered in scrapes and had been shot in the arm. It was nothing compared to other soldiers though. I fired my gun just as a cannonball hit only 10 meters away from me.

Just then I heard a scream. It wasn't a male scream though, it was female. I brushed it off as a nurse in over her head and kept firing at those damned redcoats.


George POV

The battle had been like a game of tug-of-war. We would look like we were winning, then they would, and it would endlessly cycle like this. We were starting to slowly take a lead on them after two weeks of fighting.

That's when I heard the scream, and knew right away it was Ashley. I yelled at a soldier named Andrew and ran towards her, bayonet in hand.

I saw her laying on the ground, a bullet wound in her chest. I was suddenly filled with anger that someone would hurt her. I looked around and saw a clump of British firing off to my left. Fueled by rage I fired at each one of them, killing them all. I then turned to look at Ash. The bullet had gone all the way through, but the bleeding was bad. It had hit only inches from the middle of her chest.

I picked her up as carefully as possible in the middle of a full-on battle and carried her to the medical tent.

"Please help her." I yelled at the nurses.

Multiple nurses came up to me and told me to place her on a cot. Finally they told me to get back out there. The other men probably needed all the help they could get.



I was awake during it all. I didn't feel anything, but i could tell it was bad. I had stopped feeing anything since the redcoat had fired at me as he noticed me sneaking behind him.

The nurses had cut off the clothes I had on over the wound and prepared to give me stitches by the look of it. One of the two nurses had run off to attend to another patient as the one that stayed started the stitches.

After she did the first stitch the world faded, leaving me to wonder whether or not I made it.

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