Its All Over

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Bruce: I had her...they just ripped her out of my hand and tore her apart like she was just a piece of meat. I wanted to die with her so bad but I remembered I got two boys back home waiting for me...I know it was something she wanted me to was a decision she would have made as well (emotional)

Donna: I'm so sorry you had to go through that Bruce...

Bruce: it's not your fault...don't be sorry, be safe...

Kathryn: by the way things are looking out's safe to say it's all over?

Bruce: it's been was over as soon as it started

Tito: here we go with this crap again

Bruce: well it's true buddy, nothing is coming after this but death

Tito: I can't believe that

Bruce: believe what you want but it's over

Donna: how can you be so sure?

Bruce: you guys are so naive! And this is why you gotta leave by the morning

Donna: wait no Bruce why we gotta go?

Tito: yeah man please don't do this

Bruce: listen! Shit has hit the fan! Civilization as we know it has been compromised! Things are going to get worst! More people will get infected which mean more people will die! Government has failed! No police no nothing!

Tito: not even the military?

Bruce: the military should be last source you go to for help...

Tito: why?

Bruce: they just are!

Donna: please Bruce don't send us out there...we will die

Bruce: no you won't I'll give you guys some weapons to protect y'all selves from the dead

Donna: we are not properly trained, we won't stand a chance Bruce...please

Bruce: my kids are prepared for this...I've prepared them for this very day...

Tito: wait, you knew this was going to happen?

Bruce: listen kid, everything comes to an end but I had no idea that this was the end we was going to face...

Donna: well help us be prepared Bruce...we can't go out there...I'm begging you

Bruce: (gets up and shows Donna, Tito and Kathryn his bite mark on his left shoulder)

To Be Continued...

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