Whos The Daddy?

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Donna: pregnant?!

Bonnie: yeah... crazy right?

Donna: yeah it is... isn't she like 12?

Bonnie: 13...

Donna: but why are you here? Wait... wait, are you here because you think Declan got her pregnant?

Bonnie: I'm not saying he did but I would like to ask him a few questions if you don't mind?

Donna: no I don't mind at all, Declan!

Declan: yes Donna

Donna: have a seat baby, Bonnie would like to ask you some questions about Bianca if you don't mind?

Declan: I don't mind...

Bonnie: hey Declan, Bianca is pregnant...

Declan: wait... wait?! How is that possible?

Bonnie: it's very possible for someone her age to get pregnant

Declan: oh yeah? I thought only adults get pregnant?

Bonnie: no you can be as young as 12 and get pregnant but I'll let Donna be the one to discuss those details with you on a later note haha but have you and Bianca... ever had sex?

Declan: no... not at all... we never even kissed... I like her but I'm too shy to even tell her...

Bonnie: okay... have she ever discussed anything sex related with you?

Declan: no not at all...

Bonnie: okay... okay thank you sweetie

Declan: you're welcome... is she going to be okay?

Bonnie: of course, no need to worry at all okay?

Declan: alright

Bonnie: well thank you for allowing me to chat with him Donna

Donna: no problem at all... let me know if you need anything

Bonnie: I will do, later

Donna: bye...


Charlie: wassup?

Bonnie: how well do you guys know Frank?

Khalil: Frank? Bianca's Frank?

Bonnie: yeah

Khalil: I mean before all of this he was just someone I would say "wassup" to in passing due to respect for Bianca's mom but that was all. I mean he was a dick head... probably still is.

Charlie: I really don't know him but where you getting at Bonnie?

Bonnie: okay... I've spoken to all the boys who may have been a possibility, and they all denied having sex with her. I can tell by speaking to Bianca she was hiding something... I think the information that she's hiding is... Frank is the father of her unborn baby...

Khalil: I'll kill him

Charlie: whoa! Bonnie... this is some serious accusation you putting out on the table right now...

Bonnie: I know... I know but I have a feeling... a very strong feeling that he's been sexually assaulting her. I mean she's not biologically his so what are the odds of him not being a suspect?

Charlie: I tell you what, I'll bring him in today... and I'll ask him a couple of questions and also tell him what's going on

Khalil: I'll be there for that

Charlie: only if you play it cool bro

Khalil: I will

Bonnie: okay, fair enough

Charlie: I'll keep you posted after we speak

Bonnie: cool


Frank: you guys wanted to see me?

Charlie: Frankie boy? Yes have a seat.

Frank: let me guess... its about Bianca, isn't it?

Charlie: actually you and Bianca...

Frank: okay... what?

Charlie: well there's no other way to say this but Bianca is pregnant...

Frank: (paused) are you fucking serious?

Charlie: dead serious Frank... to why we wanted to speak to you

Khalil: did you get her pregnant?

Frank: what did you ask me?

Charlie: I think you heard him loud and clear

Frank: no I did not get her pregnant and fuck you for asking me that!

Khalil: no Frank fuck you, if I find out you so much as laid a finger on that little girl I will kill you...

Charlie: easy bro... but as for you Frank there's going to be some changes

Frank: changes? What kind of changes?

Charlie: till we figure all of this out... Bianca will be staying with Bonnie.

Frank: you can't do!

Khalil: the hell we can't

Charlie: Frank I want you to look me in the eyes when I tell you this... when that baby gets here we will form a DNA test and you better pray that this baby doesn't turn out to be yours because if it does so help me God you are going to wish you had died when the world did... you understand?

Frank: yeah I do...

Charlie: alright, you may leave


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