Are You Pregnant?

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William: morning... (hungover)

Donna: whoaaaaa, somebody had a little too much fun last night hahaha

William: yeah...a little too much...did I miss breakfast?

Donna: yeah you did but look on the table I brought up some muffins and juice

William: oh thanks...where's the boys?

Donna: they with Bianca

William: oh...

Donna: so I take it you won't be going to the party tonight...

William: who? Shit ill be there

Donna: you are a trip you know that?

William: you damn right child, where you going?

Donna: going on the roof to teach folks how to defend themselves against them freaks

William: oh okay...

Donna: you should come

William: child please...we good here, the fuck do I need to worry about them zombies anyway?

Donna: Will, just because we found sanctuary doesn't mean our guards go down...nothing is forever

William: I guess you're right but maybe some other time I need some rest


Bonnie: what you got to do next is blend your colors together, that's how you get the perfect sunset

Declan: wow this is pretty cool

Bonnie: it gets even better, now take the thin brush and dip it softly into the yellow like this

Bianca: hey, I'm sorry but I gotta use the bathroom be right back (running towards the bathroom)

Bonnie: is she okay?

Declan: I don't know...she's been throwing up since yesterday and the day before...

Bonnie: hmmm

(After the painting lesson)

Bonnie: hey Declan, can you and your brother wait outside while I speak to Bianca for a bit?

Declan: sure, I'll be right outside

Bianca: okay...

Bonnie: thank you sweetie, Sweetheart are you okay?

Bianca: I guess...I've just been feeling nauseous lately and certain smells make me sick...

Bonnie: hmmm...when was the last time you got your period?

Bianca: I don't know...but it's been weeks I guess...

Bonnie: Bianca, are you sexually active?

Bianca: what do you mean?

Bonnie: are you having sex?

Bianca: not at all, why are you asking me this?

Bonnie: because it sounds like your pregnant...

Bianca: that's ridiculous...I'm too young to be pregnant I'm only 13...

Bonnie:'s normal to get pregnant at 13 especially if you're having unprotected sex

Bianca: look, I'm not pregnant okay? So drop it (walking out of Bonnie's apartment)

Bonnie: Bianca! Damn


Bonnie: I think we might have a situation

Charlie: what you mean?

Bonnie: I think Bianca might be pregnant...

Charlie: why you think that?

Bonnie: well she's been nauseous as of late...and she can't remember the last time she's got her period

Khalil: who do you think the daddy might be?

Bonnie: Declan...

Charlie: have you spoken to her?

Bonnie: yes and she denied having sex

Charlie: with him? Or in general?

Bonnie: she denied having sex all together

Khalil: of course she is...she doesn't want to get in trouble by her dick head step pops

Bonnie: if she's pregnant she's going to need the proper treatments

Charlie: well how about this, me and a few of the boys make a run to the nearest pharmacy and get a pregnancy test tomorrow...then we'll know for sure

Bonnie: okay, thank you

Charlie: you're welcome, see you at the party tonight



Donna: wow the candles really lit up the basement really well

Charlie: told you it would work

Donna: no music but this will do

Charlie: fuck music, as long as we got people eating, people talking and people drinking? We good

Donna: yeah I guess you're right, well I'm bout to go find Will

Charlie: cool, are you having fun?

Khalil: I'm good...

Charlie: go enjoy yourself man, it's deserve it

Khalil: I feel guilty...

Charlie: survivor's guilt?

Khalil: yeah...

Charlie: bro...look at me, look at are here because that's how God wanted it, are you going to throw God's gift away?

Khalil: ....

Charlie: are you?

Khalil: no

Charlie: good show your appreciation by enjoying yourself with your new family

Khalil: iight man

Charlie: good man

(Donna walks over to William)

Donna: having fun?

William: yes I am (checking this guy out)

Donna: see something you like?

William: some one yeah...nosey

Donna: well standing here like an idiot sure won't get a conversation out of him

William: you think I should go over there?

Donna: duh haha

William: goes nothing

(William walks over to the guy he was staring at)

William: hey handsome

Carl: excuse you?

William: I was just trying to make conversation

Donavon: get outta here with that faggot shit (pushes William)

William: hey! Do not put your hands on me!

Donavon: what? Nigga fuck you (punches William in the face dropping him)

Donna: hey! (Breaks a bottle over Donavon's head)

(Carl pushes Donna into the table of food then Charlie punches Carl dead in the jaw knocking him down)

Charlie: don't you ever put your hands on a woman bitch!

To Be Continued

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