Blaze Of Fire

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Frank is pacing back and forth, he knows time is ticking. Frank knows the truth will expose him for the child molesting rapist that he is. Frank also knows he can't stay here, but if he can't live here comfortably then nobody can. Frank poured gasoline all over his apartment, the lit a match and set the entire apartment on fire. The sad thing is he waited in the middle of the night while everybody is sleeping to burn the building down.

Frank exited the back of the building, running into the pitch darkness ahead of him. The flames are traveling fast, the hallway is covered in smoke. Khalil, whose apartment is down the hall was awakened by the smoke. Khalil opens his front door and got hit with the thick black smoke, he nearly falls backwards as he runs to his walkie-talkie. He speaks into his Walkie-talkie trying to get Charlie's attention who is staying on the floor level below him.

Charlie: KHALIL?! KHALIL?!

Khalil: the building is on fire and I'm trapped. (Coughing)

Charlie: WHAT?!

Khalil: help me brother. (Coughing)

Charlie: I'm coming brother! Hold on I'm coming!

To Be Continued

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