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Donna: are there any keys inside?

Tito: not yet (looking through the car) wait I found the keys in the glove compartment

Donna: okay start it up

Tito: (start the ignition) half a tank

Donna: that's better than nothing you driving?

Tito: yeah sure

Donna: okay let me get the kids

Tito: we got company

Donna: oh shit...okay I got him (Donna shoots a zombie in the head)

Tito: nice shot

Donna: be right back (runs into the house) okay you guys are ready?

Declan: nope...

Donna: what's wrong?

Declan: can we burn it down?

Donna: burn what down?

Declan: this house

Donna: Dec...

Declan: please...it's something my dad would of did...

Donna: okay...me and you though I don't want Connor apart of it

Declan: yes ma'am

Donna took Connor outside to the car where he sat with Tito as Declan and her went to the garage and found three canisters of gasoline. Donna kept two of the canisters in the car for the road and helped Declan pour the remaining canister all over the house. Donna lit a match and was getting ready to drop it but Declan wanted to do the honors. Donna handed the match over to Declan, he took a deep breath and drop the lit match on the floor and just like that the entire house was in flames. They rushed out the door, jumped in the car and took off.

Donna: (sitting in the passenger seat looking back at Declan) you good?

Declan: yeah...yeah I'm good

To Be Continue...

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