Chapter 2 - The Agreement

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(Wayo's POV)

After I take some clothes from my room, I walk to Ming's room. Along the way, I take a good look around me. There are parents playing with their children using earth magic. They create a mat from soil then raise their children mid-air using it. The parents move the earth mat flying around slowly, as their kids scream in joy because they are happy to be able fly like that.

If I had awakened my own power, will I be that happy? Will I be able to reach the sky using my magic too?


"Where are you looking at, Yo? What is.... there."

I bump into someone when I was looking at the families, from the voice I know it's Ming. When I turn my face to him I see a guilty face. He is looking at the scenery that I was looking at. Now I feel guilty too, I should not look too gloomy. I fake a smile but it seems it won't work on him.

"I told you not to overthink about magic. You are just as perfect as you are. Have anyone teased you about being a non-magi? No one, right? Cheer up, asshole."

"Everyone is just too nice. Everyone in our family have awakened the earth element. I am almost 19 years old but I still can't feel my earth element at all."

"Then what is the big deal? You have us. We are your earth element."

I smile at him, genuinely. I almost forgot that having my earth clan is even more important than having earth magic.

"The one who loses is a loser!" He shouts then runs towards the hot spring, leaving me behind.

"Not fair! Wait for me, asshole! Ming!!"

I lose. Of course I lose, he started running first and left me behind without knowing we're going to race! Sigh.

When we get to the hot spring, there are other guys there and Ming suddenly creates rocks and makes them spin around his finger. He glares at those guys, then they clear their throat and leave the hot spring. They wink at me though.

Spending time in the hot spring, Ming and I talk about college. We are going to different faculties so he keeps telling me to call him every time I need something. Yes, such a busybody brother. I tell him I'll be fine but deep down I am not sure. The rooms in the dorms are for one person each, meaning I will be alone when it gets dark. I don't even know why I am scared of darkness, I feel like they are going to swallow me into the dark.

"Ming, do you think I should summon a familiar*?" [Note: A magical creature, simply a pet demon.]

"Why would you need one, Yo?"

"You know... to accompany me."

"Ah, right. You have a phobia of darkness. I don't think there is any restriction about having a familiar at the dorms. But, you know that a familiar is not going to stay without mana* right?" [Note: Magical energy required to use spells, including summoning spells.]

"I know..."

"You haven't awakened your elemental power, Yo. It will be risky to use mana. Your body is not used to magic yet, let alone summoning spells. Please don't tell me you want to become a witch."

"I don't want to become a witch. I guess I'll have to somehow be brave and fight my fear, then."

"Okay, I'll summon a familiar for you at night after we move to the dorms. Which demon: Cat? Owl? Dog?"

"I'd love a dog. A big one!"

"Sure thing."

Ming is a really power earth magic user, he has a high level of mana. I bet it won't affect him much to summon a familiar at night. Because, he can break the spell after I fall asleep so he won't use too much mana. Familiars have intelligence, they will obey the master's orders. If Ming tells them to go back to their own world after I fall asleep, they will definitely obey that.

There are two kinds of magic. Elemental magic and neutral magic. We call a non-magi who uses neutral magic with the name 'witch'. Because, they are sacrificing their lives to use their mana without the help of elemental powers.

We have elemental casters, witches, and non-magis. Elemental casters are people like Ming, who have awakened their elemental powers and have powerful mana. Non-magis are those who haven't awakened their elemental powers. Witches are non-magis who choose to use neutral magic despite the risks.

Neutral magic consists of different varieties of spells, such as levitation, telekinetic, summoning, telepathy, and other stuff. But, it requires two people with strong mana to be able to share a telepathy. People will have a surge of mana inside their body after they awaken their element, meaning only elemental casters will be able to use neutral magic without risking anything. Witches might be able to do it, but it is dangerous for their body because of the low level of mana they have.

Everyone has mana inside them. But, using it carelessly will even lead to death.

(Ming's POV)

I will definitely smack his head if he ever thinks of becoming a witch. I will never let that happen, no matter how desperate he is to be able to use magic.

"Oh right, Yo. Don't let strangers talk to you even if they look nice before you know who they are."

"Why? How can I know who they are if I don't let them talk to me? I want to make friends there, I will talk to them even before they talk to me."

"Come on, you can't be serious."

"That's my line, asshole." He smacks my head.

As if he can speak up to anyone first. He is always timid, as shy as he can be, and moreover he is not the type to fight for his own good. I am just worrying about his safety. He can't use magic, but he won't use physical violence either. Then, how can he protect himself? Why did he have to choose classic music as his major? Sigh. He could have come to engineering as well.

"Okay, okay. You can make as many friends as you want.... if you can do it, hahahaha."

"Shut up! I will definitely bring my friends and introduce them to you when the college starts!"

"Yeah sure. You don't even have the slightest courage to ask me to sleep in your room when you get scared. All you can do is just stare at me with your puppy eyes."

"Shut up!!" He smacks my head again.

"But, one thing. This one, please listen to me."

"What now?" He huffs and looks annoyed.

"Don't let any guy flirt with you, moreover if they look like freaks."

"This again? Stop it. I am a guy. Why would any guy flirt with me, asshole?"

"Just, promise me this one."

"Okay, I promise! Sigh. I am done here. I am going back home, bye asshole."

"Sure you can walk alone home? It's dark~" I tease him.

He glares at me, but then gives me his puppy eyes. This brother of mine really knows how to control people with his looks. His pouty lips and puppy eyes are even stronger than magic -_-

I still worry about him, but at least we have come to an agreement about one thing. I am not that protective but seeing how guys in my clan dare look at him with weird eyes, I can't help but worry about how people in neutral lands will be.

Moreover, we are going to stay at different dorms because each faculty has its own dorm. We are from different faculties, which means we are not going to stay at the same dorm. Thankfully, faculty of engineering is not that far from faculty of arts.

I will need to become friends with someone from his faculty, and ask them to look after Yo.

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