Why do I make mistakes?...

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Soda ran out the door like the Devil was after him. I felt bad that he was upset, his birthday is in 2 weeks.He is turning 17. 

In haven't spoken to Abby in awhile... and I like talking.. to her so I think I'll call her. She is my non biological see-ster.

Abby and I talked for a few hours until her mom said that she had to go to bed. I was tired anyway.

I went to bed on the couch. The couch is so hard. I was tired the next morning. Darry must have realized 'cause he let me and Pone skip. God was I thankful! why did Ponyboy skip with me? I wondered.

*Abby's POV*

Today is Soda's birthday. Whooo-hooo, the only problem is...I don't know what to get him.

"Hey Pone, Can I ask you a question?" I asked. while walking into the Curtis house.

He didn't look up from his book while saying "Hey Ab, Where have you been?" Then he looked up and his eyes landed on my hair.

"You like it? Do you know what Pepsi~Cola wants for his birthday?" I asked sing-songly. Pepsi-Cola is my nickname for Soda.

"Umm... Well, He talked about a-" Pony tried to explain but I cut him off

"I got it!" I exclaimed "I know what I am gettin him!" I yelled to a tiny happy jig.

"what! " Pony asked shocked.

"You shall see, you shall see." I said deviously, as I turned around and walked out the door.

I have been saving up my money for Broadway but I figure since I'm only 16 I can re save.  I am going to get Soda a car! Maybe a Mustang.


I went to the dealership and got Soda a red mustang. Oh! I hope he will like it! I will give it to him tonight, And reveal my hair to him he still doesnt know. So exciting!

Soda's Birthday Party***

"Okay everyone,  cake time!" Darry yelled from the kitchen.

a mixture of approvals were voiced. Soda said that he loved my hair,  I am soooooo glad that he likes it. Besides that's why I had my hair did in the first place.  It seemed like years for us to get finished with cake.  But,  finally it is present time!

"Okay everybody its present time!" I said trying to sound normal, but really on the inside I was screaming. Hoping that he would love my gift. "What if he didn't?!?! What if it got stolen or-" I was snapped out of thought by a hand waving in front of me.

"are you okay, Abby?" Darry asked while chuckling.

"Oh, Um yah." I said faking a smile. But really I was worried . I was worried that something was going to happen,  I just had a premonition.

*Mattie's POV*

"SON OF A BITCH" I shouted as walked through the door of the Curtis'. I just got off work and ran all the way to Soda's birthday party. I missed cake time, boooo...

"Whats wrong!" Steve said running into the living room.

"nothin' I just stubbed my damn foot on the couch." I said.

"Damn. Is your "time of the month"? Two-bit said laughing while putting your time of the month in air quotes.

"Are you getting smartass with me, Two-bitch?" I said

"Hey! Take that back!" Two-bit said. I was smiling until I realized there were tears gleaming in his eyes. "I was just teasing, I'm sorry. really I am. Besides, I haven't started in the first place"."Is that s-"  he started. "Dont get any ideas! " I snapped "I wasnt going to" Two smirked. "Ass hole" I mumbled. "What was that?" Two asked acting parental. "Nothin'" I responded while rolling my eyes.

Every one was staring at me.  whoops. I guess I was kinda cranky, I had a  bad day a work. "I'm sorry guys, I had a terrible day." I sighed plopping down on the couch. "Well. what happened?" Darry asked. "Yeah what happened?" Two added in like a 5 year old. "Two-bit. shut.up." Pony said popping the "p".  "Well, 1st off- I met a ho-ho acting like a ding-dong,  then I had to kick some soc out of the restaurant.  and for the grand finally... I got in a fight with some  greaser chick, ended up popping her jaw out of place and breaking her nose, and for that got fired" I said quickly.  I was partially ashamed of myself.

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