The next day

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*Mattie's POV*

I woke up in a unfamiliar home, then yesterday's memories came rushing into my mind and I knew where I was. The Curtis house.

"Good morning sunshine" Sodapop said as I looked up. "Hey. Where's Abby?" I asked sounding groggy. "She's still asleep." I should have known that. Abby could sleep for days if I didn't wake her up. I walked in the kitchen to see a chocolate cake on the table.I was confused. what in the crap. why is there chocolate cake on the table!  Is this some cruel joke Abby was playing on me? Abby knows I LOVE chocolate cake, chocolate in general!  Soda must have realized I was standing there confused, hungry, and staring at the cake. "Are you okay?..." Soda asked sounding worried, "Umm, yah. I-I just seriously love chocolate cake. My nickname is Cup Cake. 'Cause I once tackled a person for their cup cake." I must have been seriously staring at the cake cause I just kept ramblin on then it hit me. oh god did I  just seriously  say that!  Oh man, I just knew I was getting wierd looks. I was afraid/embarassed to look up I had never told anyone that before. Everyone from the gang was standing there now, staring at me. "Wow... " Abby said standing there in an old t-shirt and jeans. Ponyboy just giggled.  I smiled, he really made the situation less awkward. I was thankful for that.

*Ponyboy's POV*

I woke up that morning happy. All I dreamed about last night was Mattie. I could smell cake. I walked down stairs to see Mattie staring at the cake. Sodapop asked her if she was okay. Her response shocked us all! Even her friend Abby seemed shocked. "Umm, yah. I-I just seriously love chocolate cake.My nickname is Cup Cake. 'Cause I once tackled a person for their cup cake." she just kept rambling, mesmerized by something, i'm guessing the cake. All Abby could say was "Wow...". I saw her eyes widen.You could tell she was embarrassed.  So to lighten the mood I started giggling.  She smiled.  She mouthed thankyou to me. A since of pride filled me...


So did you like it? Comment pls

Hope you enjoyed it!

I will try to update again tomorrow.  Any ideas about what should happen next?

    love~ Mattie

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