Chapter Fourteen- Was I Fast Enough?

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Calu pushes me behind him and Shifts. A giant white wolf takes up the space where Calu once was. He was still breathtaking.

'Rogue.' Calu told me.

'Damn. I hate those guys.' Calu snorted. I Shifted behind him and I was bigger than the nasty rogue. However, I was the only female present. And unmarked. And an Alpha. Poop.

The rogue was a dirty brown. He stank of... I don't even know. Something nasty.

Calu growled and the rogue whimpered, but he obviously challenged Calu when I was attacked.

The number one rule is never strike first but Calu surprised me and the rogue when he did. I wasn't very trained so I snuck backwards until I was in a ditch. I watched as Calu bit and cut the rogue multiple times. A few time the wolf hit Calu, never getting the chance to actually do damage.

I squealed when a rabbit leaped over me. Calu hesitated and the rogue sunk his teeth into his stomach. I was completely infuriated. I tore out of the ditch and sunk my claws into the rogues back. Calu slowly got up and collapsed. His stomach was completely torn. The rogue slashed his claws down my stomach opening my scabs, but I didn't feel pain, only fury. I clamped my mouth around the rogues neck and snapped it.

Once I made sure the rogue was dead, I skidded over to Calu. I rubbed my face into his neck. I was small compared to him, my head only went to his shoulder. I wiggled my body under his so that my body staunched up his blood.

'Cale!' I yelled through the family bond. 'Help!'

'Whoa, what's wrong? Where are you?'

'You'll be able to tell because you will smell Calu's blood.'

'I'm on my way!' I sent him a picture of my surroundings.

I switched to the Mate bond. 'You'll be okay baby.'

'Ashes I'm losing blood.'

'I know. I'm doing my best. You're too big for me to carry. I called Cale.'

'I'm an Alpha Ashes! I don't need another Alpha's help.'

'Calu, I'm an Alpha.'

'I know baby. I will always need you'

Cale was here with Rainer and Daniel. They hoisted Calu onto their shoulders. They were all as wolves. I ran underneath Calu's wound. God I hope he was going to be okay.


Calu had Shifted back once we were at the hospital. Well actually the doctors forced the shift so they could work easier. I hadn't shifted back. No one had brought me clothes so I kind of couldn't.

I was laying on the couch they pushed up beside Calu's hospital bed. His fingers were gripping my fur so I couldn't go anywhere.

Soon Leelee came. She waddled in with her big belly and a handful of my clothes.

'Thank you.' I said through the pack link.

"No problem." Leelee whispered. I checked to see if Calu was awake. I knew once my fur was gone he would so I had three seconds before he would look at me. Ugh, I'll have to rush REALLY fast. Okay, here I go.

I Shifted and quickly pulled my underwear up and tried to put my bra on. I tired towards the back of the couch so he only saw my back. I pulled a pair of shorts on and grabbed a top.

I felt shaky hands on my back. The hands clasped my bra together for me and I quickly pulled the shirt overtop.

I looked into Calu's very awake eyes.

"I wasn't fast enough was I?" I groaned.

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