Chapter Fifteen- Alpha On The Run

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"No." Calu croaked. "But I didn't see anything." Calu coughed and blood came up. His eyes went wide. The heart monitor rapidly beeped.

"It's okay." I said as I placed my hand on his face. "You'll be fine. You're healing." A tear slipped down my face. I kissed his lips and tasted the droplets of blood. I pulled back and saw tears coming out of Calu's eyes. "Baby we'll get through this. The doctor will come in a minute to check up on you."

No sooner had I said that the doctor walked in. It was my cousin.

"Well your Alpha blood will be able to heal you up just fine. You might cough up blood but that's the stuff that leaked into your body and systems." She smiled. "We're going to move you into a room for the night but tomorrow you should be able to go home. Ashlyn I'll set up a bed for you." I nodded and smiled.


I walked beside Calu's bed as they rolled him along.

When we reached the room I collapsed onto the bed. My shirt was stained with blood so I walked to the bathroom, not letting Calu see the blood.

Well I'll tell you one thing, I can get blood out of anything by now if you know what I mean. So I pulled out the peroxide and cleaned my blood out of the black shirt. Then I cleaned my cuts again and gasped at all the foam that came out.

{Ya know how when you put hydrogen peroxide on cuts and the bad germs foam away? Ok well it happens. I know because my hamster bit me once...}

"Babe you okay?" Calu yelled. Poop. He heard me.

"Yes I'm peachy!" I yelled back. I knew he didn't believe me when I heard him groan and get up.

"No you're not, I can tell."

"Shut up Calu. I'll be out in a minute." The bubbles were mingling with blood as it trickled down my tummy. I grabbed a bath towel and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Ashlyn I'm coming in."

"No you are not Calu!" I yelled. "I'm, uh, um, on the toilet! Yeah, toilet." I said lamely.

"I'm getting a nurse!" he yelled.

"No!" I screamed. "No! No! No! No! No!"

"Well are you going to let me in then?"

"One minute." I wrapped a bath towel around my waist then I grabbed a hospital gown. I tugged it on over my shorts and towel. I opened the door. "Hey..."

"What's with the gown?" Calu raised his eyebrow.

"My shirt was dirty." I lied. I walked out and Calu turned around so he was still facing me.

"So, when are you going to tell me about the towel?"

I turned around. "What?"

"The whole back of your gown is open. Why do you have a bath towel wrapped around you?" Calu looked really confused. I led him to his bed. "Ashes?"

I lifted the gown up so it exposed the blood seeping through the towel. His eyes went wide and then started to glow bronze. I put my hand on his arm to calm him down.

"Ashlyn could you-" my cousin looked up. "Well I was going to ask you to put a gown on but you're one step ahead of me." She laughed. "Calu would you lie down? Ashlyn get in the bed across the room." I trudged over while peeling the towel off.

"So I'm Alessia and I'm Cale's pack doctor. I'll take care of you just fine." She walked over to Calu's side. "If you would allow me, I need to check for scarring."

We nodded together and I locked eyes with Calu. Alessia pulled the sheets up so the went to his hips, just covering the waistband of his boxers. She pulled the gown up and checked the wound. It had completely closed and whatever she had given him in emergency took away the scarring. Calu gasped.

"All is well." Alessia said nodding. "I'm going to prod around and if it hurts at all you tell me." He nodded. She pushed around. All of the sudden she wound up and punched him. I growled and tackled Alessia as Calu laughed.

"Didn't hurt me at all. Ashes! Get off of Alessia!" I obeyed. And Alessia gasped pulling air into her lungs.

"I see Cale taught you a proper tackle now." Alessia asked and I nodded.

"How am I?" Calu asked.

"All healed up!" Alessia said happily. "But you'll have to stay the night so I can keep my eye on Ashlyn." I felt my eyes go wide.

"Why?" I asked panicked.

"We were going to activate your healing ability." Alessia winced. I felt my face pale.

"And how do you do that?" Calu asked.

"We inject," I gasped. "Ashlyn," I gasped again. "With a small," I whimpered. "Amount," I gasped and whimpered. "For goodness sakes let me talk to Calu, Ashlyn." I nodded.

"Say it again please?" Calu asked.

"We inject Ashlyn with a small amount of your blood but it will most likely be really painful." I whimpered and started crying. "We'll have to put her out too."

Oh great. All my fears in one. It took enough willpower to even come to the hospital, and now I'm having a needle and I'm in a hospital and I'll betcha that the operating room is really small and doesn't have a window. Oh oh oh! I'm ditching right now.

I walked to the window and Calu gave me a funny look. We were only on the second floor. Awesome! I can easily make the jump. I looked behind me and Calu realized what I was going to do. He launched his body foreword as I crashed through the glass and Shifted.

I landed in a roll then took off running. I was dripping blood and leaving a trail. I had new cuts from the glass as well as the original ones. I needed to find mud. It was stop the bleeding and mask my scent.

I heard Calu hit the ground behind me. I knew I wasn't faster than him so I pushed my legs harder and harder. I entered the forest and weaved through trees. I swam through the lake and rolled in the mud on the shore.

I ran through the meadows, the forests and the hills. I ran for half an hour before I collapsed in some rushes. I whimpered not knowing why I ran away from my Mate. He would protect me. He would. He, would. He. Would. He... would.....


Calu pov


She kept running and running. I was right on her heels. I stayed downwind from her and I went into stealth. I practically floated. Ashes always doubted my tracking abilities.

I watched Ashes collapse amongst the rushes. I trotted over to her and buried my neck in hers. I tossed her limp form gently onto my back.


We decided to do the procedure when I got back. It killed to see her writhing unconscious in pain.


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