Chapter Ninteen- Cuddling With An Alpha

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I nodded my big furry head and everyone cheered. Calu walked over and pushed my butt with his nose. I slapped him in the face with my tail. He snorted and pushed my butt with a paw. Using my hind leg I pushed his face back and started walking.

I must've walked in a circle because after five minutes of walking I was at the back of the group. I rolled my eyes as Calu, Leelee and Daniel started to laugh-snort. I took a running start and leaped onto Calu's back. He crashed to the ground not expecting my weight. I nudged his ear with my nose.

Using the pack link I said 'Home Jeeves!' All of the pack started laughing. Well, snorting, wolves can't laugh.

I laid on Calu's back in an almost piggyback type of way. My right legs were hanging over his right side and my left legs were hanging over his left side. My head was on top of his. Calu sprinted home.

I was wandering around the pack house as my wolf. I was trying to find the spot I left my clothes. When I found the curtain I ran to it and Shifted.

I stepped out in my pajamas. I ran away in the direction of Calu's office, I think. I walked past a door that had wooden wolves carved into it. They were inlaid with gold.

I continued on and reached a supply closet. I groaned and slumped against the wall. A she-wolf peeked out from behind a door.


"Yes?" I said exhaustedly.

"May I ask what you're looking for?"

"I'm looking for Calu's office," I whined. "But I can't find it anywhere!"

"Did you see the door with the wolves and gold?"

"Yeah, it was pretty." I sighed.

"That was the door you were looking for." She smiled. "I'll walk you there."

On our walk I learned that her name is Aimee and she's an Omega. She sniffled when she told me her rank.

"Hey Aimee, what's wrong?" she quivered and pointed to the group of wolves coming foreword. She tried to hide in some curtains but a boy pulled her back by the hood of her sweater.

"Huh, what'd ya do to get a walk with the Luna, Omega?" he shoved her into the group as she started crying. I was furious. I put a lot of Alpha tone into my voice.

"Enough!" I yelled. I vaguely realized that Calu came out of a door up ahead when I shouted. The group of wolves froze. "You let Aimee go now." I said forcefully. Aimee walked to stand behind me.

I was tall, 5'8", but never intimidating. Well you better believe now that I was embracing my inner Alpha, my outer Alpha was showing. And she was furious.

"I was treated as an Omega for fifteen years. I will not tolerate that behavior and I know damn well that Calu won't either!" I yelled. I felt Calu's hand on my shoulder and I could feel the anger rolling off of him.

"Derik, Vale, Tayisha, Shellby. Under my own and your Luna's orders we forbid you to disrespect any pack member." Calu's voice held controlled fury. It was really scary and I shivered. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "How would you feel if an Alpha disrespected you? Crappy, that's right!" he finished with a shout.

Calu picked me up in a piggyback. I waved at Aimee as she laughed at the sight of her all powerful Alpha piggybacking his Mate. I pressed my face into Calu's back.

He sat me down on a leather couch in his office. He sat in his desk chair and started to shuffle papers.

After an hour Calu looked up at me.

"I didn't know my pack treated the Omegas that way." Calu's face looked angry, but his eyes looked sorrowful. I stood, walked over and hugged him. I rubbed the stubble on the side of his face.

"It's nine you should go to bed. A lot has happened today." I whispered. Calu stood up and we walked, hands entwined, to a large room. When Calu opened to door the whole room smelt like him. I involuntarily took a deep breath and Calu laughed.

"Take my room Ashes." I looked up at Calu with big eyes. "You'll be fine. Just let me know when you wake up and I'll be right down." I took a step in and grabbed Calu's arm. I tugged him in a little bit. He laughed. "Your brothers would kill me Ashes!"

"They aren't here, do you see them?" his eyes were clouded with confusion."I just want to be held." I said meekly. "Please?" Calu nodded and went into the bathroom to change onto his pajamas. I snuggled into his blankets since I was already in my pjs.

When the bathroom door opened I glanced at Calu. The glance soon turned into a stare because he was wearing flannel pajama pants but no shirt. He was the most muscular Alpha I had ever see. Mind you the only Alphas I've seen were my Dad, my brother and him.

His brownish hair had been tousled and was slightly messy. I liked it. His nose was not too big but not too small. It was slightly crooked and looked as if it had been broken once. It was cute. Calu had full lips that looked just kissable! I really want to kiss him right now...

"I love it when you look at me like that Ashes." Calu grinned as he walked over. He laid on the bed and I snuggled into him. His arm was wrapped around me and my head was on his chest. I had my hand laying overtop his chest and my fingers gently resting on his shoulder. I fell asleep like that.


We were jolted awake suddenly at four am. I noticed that I was laying ontop of Calu, with him hugging me like a teddy bear. My face was in the crook of his neck.

He growled when he noticed somebody in the room. He pushed me into the wall beside his bed. He was in a defensive crouch position. I cowered beneath the blankets, something totally unlike me. Calu growled again.

"I thought I told you to call!"

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