Love hurts a lot

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Kanta POV

I visited Knife- kun every Sunday ( Azusa ) we would stroll around I did know the Mukami's a long time ago but they said one was always locked up in a room and I totally forgot about them as well until a couple months back so seeing them then and after not seeing them for a year it's basically confusing to understand but I manage ( That's gonna be her catch phrase ) " Hey knife-kun do you hate Kanato?" He shrugged " I'm not so ......sure." I taught him how to speak properly without stuttering it's still a working progress but it's improving from saying one word at a time " Can I be honest.... with you yandere-chan?" I smiled " Of course knife-kun!" He took a deep breath " I don't really like the bags..... under your eyes...." I felt sad " I'm gonna head in early Kanato is suspecting me now so I got to go." I ran home ' How dare he I gave him my heart even though I hurt him  just for him and now he says he doesn't like my bags under my eyes I always thought they were pretty ' I walked in our room and cried " Kanta are you ok???" Saboru came in I tried wiping my tears but they kept coming " I loved Azusa so much but he just insulted me!" He hugged me he's the only one I trusted with this secret I love my twin dearly but he lied to me first " Shhh.... it's alright just ignore him show him that it's his loss not yours Onee-chan." He gave a small smile that was gone within seconds " well Kanato is done with the cookies for your tea party things." He said while walking out I walked down stairs " Kanato is the cookies done?!?!?" I asked she shook his head no " They still need to bake." I sighed " THATS FOREVER!!!"

10-15 minutes later

It was so good me and Kanato talked a lot and ate the entire sweets table it was heavenly " Kanato you need to cook more desserts for me I crave your cooking!" He bit into rock candy " Well of course if you make me a cake

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It was so good me and Kanato talked a lot and ate the entire sweets table it was heavenly " Kanato you need to cook more desserts for me I crave your cooking!" He bit into rock candy " Well of course if you make me a cake." I nodded and we both made a deal with one another we continued stuffing our faces with rock candy and chocolates and cookies Oreo's anything you name we ate it until Reji ruined it " Go get dressed for school!" We nodded we aren't afraid of him he tells us we have no authority or guts to do so  even though we killed people in the past.... ' I started getting dressed for school I was in my uniform but I had make up on to cover my bags it wasn't hard I've helped mother with makeup before but not often ' Perfect it looks like I don't have any ' I walked in the limo with everyone else Kanato gasped " No why do you cover your beautiful bags like that they are beautiful!" He rubbed off the makeup and nodded in victory " *whisper* what if I don't like them....." as we drove to school it wasn't long before a girl started walking with Kanato I fake smiled " Hi R/N." ( Rival name ) she rolled her eyes but not to the point where Kanato saw " Kanato I want to be somewhere * sigh * alone~..." I growled " What's wrong with me here Kanato tells me everything anyway." She smirked " He must've told you that we are dating then~." She kissed him on the cheek where I usually kissed him " IM LEAVING KEEP YOUR STUPID GIRLFRIEND....You broke our promise!" I ran off

Kanato POV

Oops I totally forgot to tell Kanta about that R/N caressed my cheek " No worries Kanato it's a faze all girls go through, I should know sense I'm a girl!" I smiled " I love you my little cupcake."

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